Volume 53, Page 143 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. 143 goodie Michell are not you the woman that swom ouer unto Mr Pulses Liber A somtime in June last past and further sayeth not: Mis Elenor Beane sworne and examined in open Court sayeth that goodie Michel was asked by Mr Enock Doughtie wheather she did not swime ouer unto Mr Pillses and further sayeth not Hew neale sworne and examined in open Court sayeth that hee knows nothing of the aboue mentioned discours not any thing els apertainin unto the aboue specified Action and further sayeth not: no cause of action apearing unto the board it is ordered that the plantiue shoold bee nonsuited Mr Thomas Hussey Plantiue The Plantiue Aresting the defen John Wheeler Ensigne Defendant Jdant in an Action of the Case Pre fereth his Petition as followeth To the Worshipfull Commissioner of Charleses Countie the humble Petition of Thomas hussey Sheweth: Whearas your Petitioner baught a Parcell of Land of John [p. 152] Wheeler the 29th of december last past at which time the sayd Wheeler did bind himselfe his heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes to deliuer your petitioner a Patten in your Petitioners owne name or a patten in his name with a sufficient bill of sayle for the sayd land between the date your Petitioner baught the land and the last of may last past as appeareth by a Condition from under his hand the sayd Wheeler breaking his Articles to your petitioners much damage your petitioner finding a fit opertunitie and supposing by his neglect that hee was desirous to keep the land sent a letter to him by Mr Haggat desiring him to send mee my bills by the first Opertunitie but your Petitioner neuer receaued any answer but by accident heard that Mr 385 Scales was desiered by the sayd Wheeler to tell your petitioner that hee woold not make Childerens bargains so that your petittioner sup poses by his neglect in performing his Condition and by his message hee woold force your Petitioner to performe accordin as your peti tioner hath past his bills and hee performe when hee pleases thearfor your petitioner desiers your worships to take the Premisses into your serious Considerations and to grant your petitioner an order for his bills if it may bee if not to grant an order that the sayd Wheeler shal performe his Condition with Damage and Cost of suit and your petioner shal as in dutie bound pray and for the proof of his petition the Plantiue Produceth the agrement which is as followeth I John Wheeler of the prouince of Mariland doe by thees Presants sell unto Thomas Hussey unto him his heirs Executors Administra tors or Assignes all that parcell of land lung on the South side of Matawoman Creeke ioyning upon the land that was formarly Tho: |
Volume 53, Page 143 View pdf image (33K) |
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