Volume 53, Page 135 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. 135 Lee and what hee shal doe thearin I shal stand to as if I myself wear Liber A thear presant as witnes my hand this first day of June 1661 Testes John Sollers John Dodman Robert Sherley To the Worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses Countie the humble petitione of daniell Hut Sheweth That Whearas James Lee is indebted unto Mr John Dodman per bill the sum of one thousand ninty & fower pounds and haue not as yet made payment: Humbly Craue as I am the Atturney of the said 377 Dodman tht hee the sayd Lee may giue sufficient securitie for the pay ment of the sayd sume at the next Court and your petitioner shal pray The defendant not apearing the Sheriff Craueth a referance which is granted and ordered that unles the defendant appear the next Court Then iudgment to pas against the sheriffe for the sayd debt. Caecilius absolute Lord and Proprietarie of the Prouince of Mari- land and Aualon Lord Barron of Baltemore & to all persons to whom thees Presants shal Come greeting in owr Lord God Euerlasting know ye that wee for and in Consideration tht George Thompson to whome wee haue giuen a greater quantitie of land his rights unto one hundered and fiftie Acres of land unto John delahay hath as signed and upon such Conditions and tearmes as are expressed in owr Conditions of Plantations of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland under owr greater seale At armes baring date baring date at London the second day of July in the year of owr Lord God Euerlasting one thowsand six hundered and forty nine and remayning upon record in owr sayd Prouince of Mariland with such Alteration as in them is made by owr declaration baring date the six and twentith day of August one thowsand six hundered and fifty remayning lickwise upon Record in owr sayd Prouince doe hearby grant unto the sayd John Delahay all that Parcell of land Called Lahay and formarly suruayed for the sayd George Thompson lying in Patomake Riuer one the [p. 144] east sid of a fresh rune of Powter Creeke begining at a marked Red Oake tht standeth in the North East lyne of the Mannor of William Stone Esq and runing north northwest by the fresh side for the Lenght of seauenty flue Pearches to a marked Pokikery standing At the Run bounding one the west with a lyne drawne north East into the woods from the sayd Pokikery for the lenght of three hundered and twenty Perches to a marked Oake in the woods one the East with a lyne with a lyne drawne south East from from the formar lyne to the Land of william Stone Esq one the south with the sayd Land on the west with the sayd fresh Contayning and now layd out for one hundered and fifty Acres of Land more or lesse together with all profits Rights and Benefits thearunto belonging Royall mynes |
Volume 53, Page 135 View pdf image (33K) |
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