Volume 51, Page 274 View pdf image (33K) |
274 Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679. Liber C D That one William Stiles of S.t Maries County deced being in his life time Seized in his demeanse as of ffee of a Certain Tract of Land and Plantation Seated on Brittons Bay in New town hundred in the Said County which he held by assignm.t from Rich.” Nevitt of the Same County who held the Same by Patent from the R.t Hon.ble the Lord Proprietary bearing date the Twentieth day of October T653 he the Said William Stiles did by writeing under his hand and Seale Recorded in S.t Marys County Court bearing date the tenth day of November 1658 Sell and make Over unto Robert Sheale of the hundred afores.d fifty acres of Land be it more or Less being part of the Said plantation or Tract of Land of one hundred acres Whereon the Said William Stiles did then live And 1P. 224 being divided by the aforesaid parties as followeth Viz.t Beginning 0 .272) at a marked white oake Standing near the Dividing line betwixt the Land of mr Hammond and the aforesaid Stiles & Running west north west to Brittons bay to a marked Red oake Standing near the Bank of the Said Bay and Lying north west upon the Said Bay & then Beginning at a marked Caedar upon the Banck of the afores.d Bay and from the Caedar to a marked Red oake Standing upon the East north East Side of a Little marsh Giveing all the marsh to the above menconed Sheale and then running from the Said Oake by the marsh East South East to another marked oake near the parallel line betwixt the S.d Hammond & Stiles all which land he the S.d W.m Stiles did Sell and make Over unto Robert Sheale and his heirs for Ever and did warrant the Same from all Just Claims in Law ag.t any person or persons whatsoever he the Said William (fol. 273) Stiles haveing received a Valuable Consideration therefore as by the Said patent and writeing to us now produced may more fully appear by virtue of w.ch writeing the Said Robert Sheale Entered into and became Seized and possessed of the Said fifty acres of Land and being So Seized and possessed he the Said Robert Sheale upon the 5.th day of march 1662 dyed Leaveing Bridgett Sheale his widdow in possession thereof And the Said Juro.rs do upon their Oaths Say that the one hundred acres of Land is held of the manno.r of West S.t Marys under the yearly rent of two Shillings Sterling or one Bushell of Good Corn payable at Xtmas and that the Said fifty acres of Land is worth by the year if the Same were to be let out now according to the Improved value over and above the Lords Rent five Bushells of Indian Corn p Annum And that Since the Death of the Said Robert Sheale the Said Bridgett Sheale his Relict held and Enjoyed the Same till Such time as She married to one Gregory Rowse and there the Said Gregory and Bridgett in Right of the sd Bridgett did hold the Same till the Death of the Said Bridgett which was about march last past And that the Said Gregory Rowse is now in possession thereof and the Lords Rent for the whole one hund.d hundred acres of Land hath been duely paid and |
Volume 51, Page 274 View pdf image (33K) |
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