Volume 51, Page 258 View pdf image (33K) |
258 Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679. Liber C D put the Said Seabastian upon the Said Land w.ch Said three hundred acres of Land is worth three hundred pounds of Tobacco by the year W.m Stevens sealed Fran: Jenkins sealed (fol. 253) Thomas Newbold sealed Edwd Stevens sealed Dan.ll Curtis sealed Robt Blades sealed Edmund Beauchamp. . . . sealed Rob.t Catlin sealed Walter Powell sealed W.m Sooth sealed Jn.° Anderson sealed Wm Bradshaw sealed Geo: Hurfurt sealed Mich.” Williamssealed Which being Read and heard it is the opinion of the Court here this day to wit the tenth day of October in the third year of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c. Annoq Domini 1678 that Hugh Marnix is heir to the Lands in the a foregoing Inquisition mencon'd Nich: Painter Ct Corn Provalis An Inquisition Indented taken at the house of John Athey upon the Clifts in Calvert County in the Province of maryland planter the Twentieth day of September in the third year of the Dominion of the Right Hon.ble Charles absolute Lord & Prop.ry of the Province of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c and in the year of our Lord God one thousand Six hundred Seventy & Eight before us George Parker of Hunting Creek in Calvert County Gent & Richard Ladd of the Clifts in the Same County Gent By Virtue of a Writt of Mandamus issued out of his Lordships high Court of Chancery to this Inquisition Annexed to us directed by the Oaths of Francis ifreeman of the Clifts in Calvert County af.d William Taylor of the Same Samuell Holdsworth of the Same Nathan Daw of the Same Daniell Blayd of the Same Jeffrey Meanley of the Same John Gyett near s.t Leonard's Creek, Henry Todd of the Clifts afores.d James Macall of the Same William Harris of the Same Edward Husband of the Same and William Barton of the Same The Jury who upon their Oaths Say as followeth viz.t That the Said John Tucker was at the time of hi3 Death Seized in Actuall possession of one hundred & fifty acres of Land more or Less Lying on the Clifts in Calvert County Called or known by the name of Tuckers unfortunate but by what Right or Title they know not nor of what manno.r of his Lordship's the s.d Land holdeth of they Cannot find nor under what Rents and Services Reserved to his Lopp for the Said Land they know not haveing no Patents nor any other writeings whereby they may be directed therein The Said Jurors further Say that the Said John Tucker made his Last Will & (fol. 254) Testament in writeing But whether he did thereby bequeathed the s.d one hundred & fifty acres of Land to any person or persons they |
Volume 51, Page 258 View pdf image (33K) |
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