Volume 49, Page 573 View pdf image (33K) |
St. Mary s County Land Records, 1663-66.573 This Indenture made the five and twenty day of January in the Liber B B Year of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred and sixty three Between Thomas Bennitt of Brettons Bay in the County of St Maries Of the one part & Robert Thomas of the same place & county of the Other party, Wittnesseth that the sd Thomas Bennitt for and in Consideracon of the sume of One Thousand five hundred pounds of Tobacco & Caske to him in hand paid whereof & wherewith he doth acknowledge himselfe fully satisfyed contented and payd, hath Given [p. 5281 granted confirmed Remised released bargained sould alienated as signed & for Ever sett over and by these presents do give Grant con firme remise release bargaine sell alienate assigne and for Ever set over unto the sd Robert Thomas his Heires on assignes all that fifty acres of Land Lying at the head Of ffloods Creeke in Patomack River knowne appellated nominated & called by the name of Brownes Wood-house bounded as in the Pattent of the sd Land Granted to William Bnowne the ninteenth day of November in the seven & twen tieth year of his Lord-ships dominion Over this Province annq domini 1658 and assigned from the sd Browne to Joseph Lucas, & from the sd Lucas to the aforesd Thomas Bennitt, To have and hold the sd fifty acres of Land to him the sd Robert Thomas, his Heires or assignes for Ever with avouchment & warranty from the Just Claimes of any Person or Persons whatsoever in wittness whereof the said Thomas Bennitt to this present Indenture hath sett his hand and seale the day and year first above written Signed sealed and delivered inThomas Bennitt the psence of us, The marke of The seale William Middleton 0 The marke of John Hodges This Indenture made the Twentieth day of June in the Year of Our Lord God one Thousand six hundred fifty and nine Between Thomas Gerard of St C!ements Mannor within the province of Mary land Esqr Of the one pte and John Goldsmith of Wickocomaco River Planter of the Other part Wittnesseth that the sd Thomas Gerard hath for a valuable Considracon bargained and sould and by These Presents doe bargaine and sell unto the said John Goldsmith one neck or Parcell of Land Bounded with a marked Tree standing at a poynt called Goldsmith poynt in Gerard Creeke and runing up the Creeke and run unto a marked Poplar standing upon the Edge of the high Ground for the Length of three hundred & twenty perches on the north side of the brook there and Extending from the sd pop- lar north and north-west to a marked Oake standing on the north- side of a swampp, the head of the sd Land being two hundred & twenty pces in breadth, and runing downe the swampp by a Lyne to a marked Oake called Bartons oake & from Bartons Oake on a line to the poynt called Goldsmith poynt containing by Estimacon two hundred acres be it More or Less lying and being within the |
Volume 49, Page 573 View pdf image (33K) |
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