Volume 49, Page 419 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664-65. 419 sueing the said month of October being in the yeare of Our Lord Liber B B One thousand Six hundred Sixty and ffowre which said tobacco is to be paid One halfe in the County of Charles and the other halfe in this County of St Marys, In wittnes whereof I haue hereunto sett my hand this 6th day of Nouembr One thowsand Six hundred Sixty & three The abouesaid Tobacco being to be paid by me James Jolly for and in Consideracon of the plantacon the abouesaid William Boar- man now liueth uppon in the abouesaid County of St Marys Comonly knowne by the name of Kitt Martins point I the abouesd James Jolly doth further Obleige my selfe my heires Executors and Assignes that in Case the abouesaid fifteene thowsand pounds of tobacco be not paid unto the abouesaid Wm Boareman according to the tenor and true meaning of the abouesaid Bill and according to the time & places abouesaid, That then the said William Boareman his heires Executors or Administrators shall haue full power and Authority to re-enter and Ceize the said Plantacon to the proper Vse and behoofe of hime his heires Executors and Administrators In wittnes Whereof I haue hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare aboue written the marke of thus written undrneath James Jolly Seale The word (thowsand) & the The abouesaid Obligacon was in word (and) was interlined before Open Court on the 3d March 1664 the signing and sealing hereof proued by the wittnesses to be the Signed Sealed & deliuered Act & deed of James Jolly In the Presence of Vs Daniel Jenifer Clke Christopher Dobson 27 3/m 64 Daniel Jenifer Cecilius &c To Samuell Chew and Francis Holland gent Greeting [p. 511] Whereas Our Writt of Couent dependeth in Our Prouinall Court Betweene Robert Paca, and William Hunt and Susan his wife of three hundred acres of land in Anne Arrundell County and for a fine to be thereof Leauyed betweene them Before Our Gouernor & Coun cell in the said Court according to the law & Custome of this prou ince and the said William Hunt and Susan as wee are informed are soe weake that they aic not able wthout greate daiigci of theire Bodyes to trauaile to St Marys by the day Contained in the said writt to make the acknowledgmts which are requisite to be made in that behalfe, wee tendring the Estate of the said William Hunt and Susan in this behalfe, haue giuen yow or any two of yow power to taken the acknowledgmts which the said Wm and Susan will make before yow of the prmisses and therefore Wee Comand yow that goeing in prson to the said William and Susan yow take theire said acknowledgmts and when yow shall haue taken them yow Certifye the same distinctly and plainely to the said Gouernor and Councell |
Volume 49, Page 419 View pdf image (33K) |
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