Volume 49, Page 159 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-64. 159 made an end of all Busines, And I desyre yow to take notice of what Liber B B I am goeing to speake, ffon yow Two were wittnesses att the begin ning, soe I desyre yow, tht yow may bee wittnesses att the ending of our busines. Willm Robinson hath acknowledged the Land to mee in Court & I am uery well satisfyed, & doe here Engage my self e before yow Two, to deliuer him in all writings tht I haue wch Con cernes him. Those wch I haue about mee I will giue him prsently, & the rest I will deliuen him by the first opportunity, & further sayth not George G H. Harrise Sworne 90 ffeb. 1663. his marke Willm Bretton/ Thomas Hussey aged 27 yeares or thereabouts sworne & Exam ined in open Court Sayth, That hee being subpaened by Willm Rob inson to a Court held in Charles County the 12th of May last past, [p.214] & being in a Loft att the Court howse in Company Wth Daniel Johnson, Willm Robinson & George Harrise heard Daniel Johnson say to Willm Robinson, Come Willm Lett us make an end of our busines ffor as god is my Sauior, I haue noe desyne to doe yow any iniury, ffor allthough I haue arrested yow to the Prouinciall Court I doe here engage before these Two men, That if yow will goe downe now & acknowledge the Land to mee in Court, I will lett the suite fall, & pay all the charges lett it bee what it will: and will neuer trouble yow concerning yor Wifes Claime in it. Willm Robinson Replyed, If tht now I acknowledge the Land to yow in Court, yow must glue me in tht writing, wherein I bownd Mr Hussey to acknowledge it to yow in Court. Daniel Johnson Replyed Gentn here before yow Two, I doe engage, That if Willm Robinson goeth now & acknowledge the Land to mee in this Court; I will giue him in tht writing, & all others tht I haue, wch concernes him. Wth that Willm Robinson & Daniel Johnson went downe, out of the Loft, & in a short time, they came up againe. Then I asked them If they had made an end? & Daniel Johnson replyed Yes, Wee haue made an end of all busines, tht was betwixt us, And I desyre yow Two, to take notice what I am goeing to speake, ffor yow Two were wittnesses att the beginning soe I de syre yow may bee Wittnesses att the ending, of our busines. Willm Robinson hath acknowledged the Land to mee in Court, & I am uery well satisfyed & doe here engage before yow Two to giue Willm Rob inson in all writings tht I haue wch Concernes him. Those wch I haue about mee I will glue him presently, & the rest I will deliuer him by the first opportunity, & then did giue him in Certaine writings, what they were I know not. Aud further Sayth not Sworne before mee in Court Thomas Hussey 90 ffeb. 1663. Willm Bretton There being noe more busines, The Court broke up, And the Leiutent Groll appoynted the next Prouinciall Court to bee holden on the first Twesday in Apnill next. |
Volume 49, Page 159 View pdf image (33K) |
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