495, 503, 535 J Shadwick, 208 ;
Thomas, 61, 69, 389; William,
121, 239, 413-
Riche, Thomas, 541, 542.
Richmond, see Vessels.
Richmond, —— , 264, 488;
Christopher, 176, 451, 455,
Ricketts, Lieut., 335; Benjamin,
274; David, 274; Nicholas,
84, loi, 107, 299-
Ricketts' Company, 274.
Riddle, Henry, 372; John, 50.
Ridgate, Thomas H., 20;
Thomas Howe (How), 354,
Ridge, William, 432.
Ridgely, Absolam, 58, 203, 291 ;
Basil, 104; Charles, 269, 541 ;
Charles (of William), 44,
341, 383, 502, 503, 530; Henry,
491; Margaret, 156; Richard,
17, 75, 324, 472, 49i; Zepha-
niah, 104.
Ridgely & Wilmot, 290.
Ridgeway, Samuel, 45, 286.
Ridle, Lucy, 285.
Ridley, —— , 6, 105, 149, 336,
337, 354, 407, 456, 483, 484;
Mathew, 340.
Ridley & Pringle, 461.
Ridout, Dulany, 71; John, 146,
221, 403.
Rigby (Rigbie), James, 150,
465, 467.
Rigging, 271, 346.
Riggs, Charles, 321, 384.
Righ, Henry, 417.
Right of Preemption, 158.
Riley, Molly, 156.
Ringer, Daniel Wood, 145.
Ringgold, Jacob, 341, 5i6, 527;
James, 189, 523; William,
Ringroes, Moses, 508.
Rinner, William, 124.
Riot, 427.
Risdon, Zedekiah, 22.
Riston, Henry, 276; Zadock,
Ritchie, James, 76; William,
138, 236, 324.
Rivere, John, 275.
Rivers, John, 172.
Roach, Bartholomew, 209.
Robboson, Vachel, 288.
Roberts, Archibald, 139; John,
6, 13, 16, 17, 498; William,
7, 10, 88, 108, 170.
Robertson, Gen., 295, 327; Alex-
ander, 27; Charles, I o, 22,
148; Edward, 417; Elijah,
506; John, 96; William, 269,
Robins, Anne, 282; Littleton,
190, 282.
Robinson, Charles, 405, 453;
David, 27, 318, 487; James,
95, 224; William, 96.
Robinson's Company, 27.
Robosson (Robeson), Charles,
75, 288; Elijah, 44, 55, 323.
Roby, Alexander, 167.
Rochambeau, Count de, ix, 37,
49, 159, 180, 218, 231, 232, 233.
Rock Hall, 13.
Rodenpealer, Philip, 425.
Roe, Walter, 378.
Rogers (Rodgers), Benjamin,
44, 34i, 383, 502; John, 73,
185, 228, 286, 413, 420, 441,
452, 471, 479, 490.
Roland, Jacob, 180, 188; Wil-
liam, 175, 423.
Rolle (Roll), Robert, 143, 166.
Rollings, Elias, 105.
Romulus, see Vessels.
Rope, 124, 125, 294.
Roper, James, 37.
Rose, Joseph, 17, 179; William,
Ross, David, 529; George, 10,
151; John, 25; Levin, 10, 187.
Ross' Purchase, 314.
Rouse (Rowse), Thomas, 87,
88; 283.
Rowe, Nicholas, 198.
Rowland, William, 414.
Rowles, John, 83.
Roxburgh, Maj., 340; Alex-
ander, 345.
Royal Isle, 510.
Royal North Carolina Volun-
teers, 311.
Rozier, Henry, 44, 325, 491,
Rudulph, Maj., 42; John, 2;
Michael, 2.
Rum, 101, 164, 199, 203, 219,
255, 276, 309, 360.
Rumney, Dr., 541.
Rumsey, Benjamin, 160, 161,
420, 462; John, 45, 81, 331,
Rush, Jacob, 527.
Russell, James, 320, 544;
Thomas. 50, 341, 357, 383,
502; William, 341, 383, 502,
530, 531-
Rutland, 317; Thomas, 80, 167,
216, 366, 395, 412.
Rutledge, Joshua, 125, 238.
Ryan, Dennis, ix, 425.
Saddles, 15, 549.
Sadler, Benjamin, 45, 341, 516,
527; Thomas, 10, 285, 456.
Safe conduct, 139.
Sage, see Vessels.
Sailors, 381, 385, 388, 393-
Sails, 271.
St. Croix, 510.
St. Croix River, 511.
St. Lawrence, 510.
St. Lawrence River, 511.
St. Martin's, 139.
St. Mary's County, 6, 9, 10, n,
29, 41, 44, 45, loo, no, 119,
153, 188, 189, 204, 223, 286,
287, 325, 371, 4M, 441, 501,
503, 505-
St. Mary's River, 511.
St. Patrick, see Vessels.
Salaries of, barge lieutenants,
176, 507; commissary of
stores, 68; council clerks, 514,
517; council members, 51, 58,
64, 65, 89, 102, 104, 108, 142,
155, 161, 163, 193, 204, 207,
251, 299, 306, 401, 410, 412,
452, 456, 459, 488; council
secretary, 354, 416; governor,
65, 90, 176, 254, 300, 435;
senate clerk, 83; see also
Courts; etc.
Salisbury Battalion of Militia,
see Militia.
Salley, see Vessels.
Sallwood, Catharine, 475, 486.
Salmon, —— , 206; Edward,
252, 296; George, 23, 26, 349-
Salmon's Company, 296.
Salt, I, 3, 13, 18, 20, 24, 25, 28,
35, 36, 40, 41, 47, 87, 95, 123,
139, 166, 176, 184, 193, 195,
197, 201, 203, 206, 208, 209,
214, 229, 259, 438.
Salt meats, 4.
Sanders, Joshua, 45, 531 ;
Thomas, 90, 450; William,
Sanderson, Francis, 225.
Sanner, Thomas, 229; William,
Sappington, Richard, 318, 409.
Satterfield, Andrew, 27.
Saunders, Joseph, 467; Joshua,
Saussure, de, 203, 239; Daniel
de, 394.
Savin, Thomas, 46.
Sax, Henry, 222.
Scammel, Col., 2, 8.
Scammel's Regiment, 2, 8.
Scarbor, Kendal, 282.
Scarborough, Joseph, 467.
Schley, Jacob, 253, 432; George
Jacob, 381.
Schnebely, Henry, 46, 331.
Schnertzell, George, 34, 163.
Schnider, Jacob, 175.
Schoolfield, Robert, 282.
Schooner, see Vessels.
Schriver, David, 418.
Schueler, James, n.
Scone, George, 8.
Scotland, 79.
Scott, Dr., 208; Daniel (of
Aquila), 472; George, 45,
237, 246, 248, 249, 344, 503;
George Day, 184; James, 175 ;
John, 13, 45, 156, 190, 245,
274, 340, 341; Levi, 12; Sam-
uel, 10, 239; Thomas, 316,
383; Upton, 62; William, n,
27, 74, 167.
Scott's Battalion, 184.