That the said Treasurer pay to His Excellency Wm Paca Esqr
sixty pounds, Current Money for one Years Interest on two Certifi-
cates, issued agreeable to the "Act to adjust the Debts due from this
State "
May 19
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 416
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Holland
nineteen pounds eight shillings and four pence — William Woolsey
five hundred and ninety four pounds four shillings and five pence —
John Ogden nine pounds, fifteen shillings and to Edward Robertson
seven pounds, ten shillings specie agreeable to the "Act to adjust the
Debts due from this State " per Accounts & Certificates adjusted &
passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Elizabeth Issabell One pound,
eighteen shillings and four pence Current Money out of the Money
set apart for Contingent Expences per Account passed. —
That the said Treasurer issue Certificates agreeable to the "Act
proposing to the Citizens of this State, Creditors of Congress on
Loan Office Certificates &ca " to Mary Hardin for fifty pounds, ten
shillings and nine pence — Archibald McNeale for fifteen pounds,
sixteen shillings and one penny — Richard Barnett for fourteen
pounds seventeen shillings and six pence — John Shanahan for One
hundred and fifty three pounds, seventeen shillings and ten pence,
& to James E. Dennv for thirty eigiit pounds, sixteen shillings and
eleven pence due them on Continental Loan Office Certificates ad-
justed by the Depy Auditor the 14th Instant. —
That the said Treasurer issue Certificates agreeable to the Act
aforesaid, to John and William Weathero for One hundred and
eighty two pounds, three shillings and eleven pence — John Beatty
for Sixty seven pounds, seventeen shillings, Elijah Beatty for Two
hundred and twenty six pounds, five shillings and two pence — Henry
Baker for Twenty three pounds, six shillings and three farthings —
Lawrence Brangle Exr of John Hummell for Twenty one pounds,
nineteen shillings and Henry Righ Exr of Henry Righ for Twenty
nine pounds, nineteen shillings and eight pence due them on Conti-
nental Loan Office Certificates adjusted by the Depy Auditor the 13th
p. 417
[Wm Paca in Council Annapolis to Doctr Murray.]
There were some Sick men belonging to the Tarlton, received into
the Hospital some time past, under our Order. — If any of them are
sufficiently recovered, Lieutt Falay of the Tarlton will receive them.
May 19
Liber No. 78
p. 441
Tuesday 20th May 1783.
Present His Excellency Governor Paca,
Benja Stoddert, G Duvall and John H Stone Esquires. —
Ordered that the Eastern shore Treasurer pay to John Allen
Thomas Esqr for the use of Nicholas Thomas Esqr Two hundred
May 20
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 417