March 19
Liber No. 78
p. 43i
Island, under Pretext, as it is said, that the Owners were carrying
on a Clandestine Trade with the Enemy. Captn Reed, it is repre-
sented, after plundering the Vessel of such Articles as he thought
proper, seized her and sent her to New Port as a Prize.
These Proceedings of Captn Reed, we consider highly reprehensi-
ble and injurious to the Honor and Dignity of this State. If the
Flags and Passports granted by either of the States to its Subjects,
are to be disregarded by our American armed Vessels, the general
Interest and Happiness of the States must suffer from Want of those
Modes of safe Communication, which the Events and Casualties of
War render absolutely necessary. When the Object of the Flag in
Question is considered, and the Principles which directed it, Captn
Reed must appear to have paid as little Regard to the Rights of
Humanity, as to the National Rights appertaining to the Sovereignty
and Independence of the State of Maryland.
The Intention Sir, of this Address is to possess your Executive
with a Knowlege of this Transaction, and to vindicate it from the
Imputation of an improper Commerce with the Enemy, and we must
begf your Interposition, so far as to make it Request to your Attorney
General to attend your Admiralty Court on this Business, and sup-
port this State in common with the States in Union, to grant a Flag
for the Purposes we granted one to Captn Geddis. We hope our
Citizens will never act so rashly as to disregard the Flags of your
State; but if any such Outrage should be committed by them, we beg
you to be assured every Step shall be taken that our Law and Con-
stitution authorizes, to vindicate your National Rights.
[Wm Paca in Council to Captn George p. Keeports.]
Some Time ago, we sent you an Order to Captn DeBarrass of the
Sloop Tarleton, of which the enclosed is a Copy, to deliver to you a
Parcel of Arms which he borrowed of the State, but we have not
heard from you on the Subject. We request you will let us know
immediately, the Steps you have taken in this Business, and, if you
have not already received the Arms, you will be pleased to apply for
them immediately, and forward them as soon as possible, as we have
Occasion for them. Should you meet with any Difficulty, you will
apply to Commodore De la Ville Brune
March 21
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 396
Friday 21. March 1783
Present His Excellency the Governor
Benja Stoddert, Jer. T. Chase & James Brice Esquires
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer issue to Francis Plow-
den a Certificate agreeable to the "Act proposing to the Citizens of
this State, Creditors of Congress on Loan Office Certs &ca " for eight