[W. Paca, [in Council] to Honble Daniel Carroll Esqr in Congress.]
The Post's coming in and returning so suddenly, prevents an Op-
portunity of answering Letters from Philadelphia, 'til the succeeding
Week. We have been favored with yours by the last Post, covering
the Report of a Committee of Congress, on the Subject of Rhode
Island's Refusal to impose the 5 p Cent Duty, and we have laid it
before our Assembly, with the Injunction not to suffer Copies to be
taken for the present. We had received His Excellency the Minis-
ter's Letter, the Week before, and it is our Request that you will
take the first Opportunity of expressing to His Excellency, the grate-
ful sense we entertain of his very polite and obliging Condescension.
Two armed Vessels, the one called the Pole Cat, the other, the Tarle-
ton, came down immediately from Baltimore, and have since sailed
down the Bay against the Enemy, and, we have great Reason to be-
lieve, will either Capture or drive them out of it. The Appearance of
those Vessels off Annapolis in Face of the General Assembly, who
had applied for them, for the Protection of their Citizens, made a
very favorable Impression of the Utility and Importance of the Alli-
ance. The Secretary for Foreign Affairs transmitted us a Copy of
Mr Oswald's Commission, which we have also communicated to the