of, see Hughes, Daniel;
American, n, 27, 28, 41, 43,
44, 85, 102, 118, 122, 123,
173, 177, 230, 247, 296; Brit-
ish, Convention Troops, Ger-
mans and Hessians, 2-4, 7, g,
n, 13, 16-18, 20, 39, 41, 42,
44-46, 52, 58, 73-75. 82, 83,
85, 87, 90, 91, 95, 105-107,
114, 115, 119, 124, 126, 131,
136, 146, 147, 149, ISO, 153,
154, 168, 169, 171, 189-190,
192, 109, 200, 204, 214, 216,
321, 248, 254, 256-258, 277,
278, 293, 298, 341, 414, 462,
500, 514, 529, 549, 552, 553,
560, 566, 567, 578; Exchanges
and Paroles, 7, 8, 39, 46, 55,
63, 91, 108, 114, 126, 146,
206, 218, 221, 228, 230, 248,
263, 353, 426, 427, 464, 526,
538; Ships, 102, 149, 261; see
also Loyalists.
Prisons see Jails.
Privateers, 9, 11, 16, 41, 126,
168, 169, 214, 215, 217, 218,
228, 230, 262, 319, 339, 402,
562; see also Letters of Mark
and Reprisals; Vessels.
Prizes, 59, 325, 357, 39o, 562.
Proclamations, 140.
Proctor (Procter), William,
540; William, Jr., 321, 540.
Protector, see Vessels.
Providence, Bahama Islands,
219, Rhode Island, 575.
Province, see Vessels.
Provisions, passim.
Provost, General, 82.
Prudent, see Vessels.
Pugh, Humphrey, 478.
Pulaskie, General, 444.
Purnell, Matthew, 103; Zadok,
Purveyor, 258.
Purviance, John, 363; R., 113;
Robert, 115, 116; Samuel, Jr.,
Pye, —— , 170; Walter, 252,
253, 389.
Quakers, 196, 380.
Quantico (Va.), 179.
Quantico Company of Militia,
195, 361.
Quarter Masters, 21, 27. 92, 96,
164, 183, 193, 264, 272, 294,
346, 382, 385, 418, 563, 574;
see also Pickering, Timothy;
Poe, David and Yeates, Don-
Queen, J., 193.
Queen Anne, 287.
Queen Anne County, 5, 50, 84,
125, 224, 225, 236, 239, 250,
278, 283, 301, 347, 360, 367,
409, 410, 442, 447, 448, 470,
47T, 473, 485, 486, 507; see
also Hemsley, Wm.; Weder-
strandt, C. T.; Church Hill;
Corsica; Eastern Bay; Em-
erson's Warehouse; Wye.
Queen's Town, 141, 354, 485-
Quills, 72.
Quinton, Philio, 244.
Quynn, Allen, 327, 508.
Radcliffe (Ratliff), Burdit,
465; Richard^ 301, 302.
Rain (Rine), John, 538.
Rammers, 76.
Ramsay (Ramsey), Col., 96,
517; Nathaniel, 83, 417, 461,
464; Thomas, 77.
Randall (Randal), —— , 21;
David, 249.
Rappahannock (Va.), 230.
Rats, 442.
Rawdon, Lord, 395, 396, 475.
Rawley, Walter, 462.
Rawlings (Rawlins), —— , 70,
120, 513; Col., 129, 171, 172,
248, 256, 257, 206, 433, 547,
555, 573; Moses, 254, 505,
S", 553, 58i.
Rawlings Reg t., 70, 129, 296.
Ray, Basil, 176.
Read (Reed, Reede, Ried),
Capt., 254, 268, 300, 475;
President, 54, 106; Andrew,
499; Benjamin, 478: John,
255, 131-
Reading (Pa.), 8.
Real Barber, see Vessels.
Reaser, Jacob, 14.
Recruits, 21, 64, 89, 125, 136,
139, 147, ISO, 151, 155, 158,
163, l65, 167, 212, 222, 225,
227, 233, 268, 272, 277, 321,
322, 333, 336, 344-346, 351,
354, 355, 388, 3Q9, 403, 406-
408, 411, 419, 424, 431, 435
436, 440, 451, 473, 498, 527,
533, 540.
Red Lion (Pa.), 547.
Red Money, see Money.
Redman, James, 478.
Reeder, —— , 569, 579; Dr.,
196; Henry, 229; Hezekiah.
300, 382, 420, 423, 431, 438,
439, 441, 453, 478, 481, Sio,
572; John, 464; Thomas, Jr..
Reese (Rees), David, 160, 313.
Refugees, 5l;, 125, 353, 368, 551.
Regiment of Invalids, 320.
Register of Wills, 487, 510.
Rehoboth (Del.), 69.
Reid, see Read.
Rentch, Andrew, 488.
Replogle, Philip, 297.
Resolution, see Vessels.
Resource, see Vessels.
Restoration, see Vessels.
Reucker, Thomas, 103, 104.
Revelly, Capt., 562.
Revenge, see Vessels.
Rewastico Company of Militia,
Reynolds, —— , 570; Hugh, 570.
Rheumatism, see Diseases.
Rhode Island, 130, 490, 575; see
also Newport.
Richards, Richard, 12.
Richardson, Jonathan, 478; T.,
8, 56, 119, 272, 287, 332, 483,
496, 499, 507, 513, 5T8, 54l.
559; Thomas, 32, 464, 481.
Richmond (Va.), 13, 17, 20, 28,
46, 69, 82, 87, 113, 118, 119,
125, 126, 137, 248, 258, 354,
371, 473, 521.
Ricketts, David, 533.
Riddle, —— , 450.
Ridgate, —— , 289, 324, 325, 368,
480, 484; Thomas How, 286,
457, 569, 579-
Ridgely, Charles of William,
326; Nicholas, 182; R., 160,
583; Richard, 29, 61, 206.
Ridgeway, —— , 5.
Ridley, —— , 145, 175, 35<5, 470,
571; M., 113; Matthew, 14,
115, 116, 160, 173, 202, 307,
3io, 313, 37T, 397, 428, 432,
454, 482.
Ridley & Pringle, 14, 126, 164,
198, 243, 244, 251, 397, 461,
Rifle Corps, 82, 126, 130, 159,
Riley, John, 189.
Rine, see Rain.
Risteau, Thomas, 274.
Ritchie, James, 307.
Roach, William, 540.
Roan County (N. C.), 241.
Robasson, Elijuh, 186.
Roberdeau, Daniel, 32.
Roberts. Tohn. cK8.
Robertson, John, 375, 370; see
also Robinson.
Robin, —— , 485.
Robinson, —— , 343, 357, 358;
Dr. 229, 230; Gov., 560;
John, 334; Vachel, 180.
Rochambeau, Count de, 117, 270,
482, 566.
Rock Hall, 85, 174, 175, 290,
537, 551.
Roe, Walter, 160.
Roebuck, see Vessels.
Rogers, J., 180; John, 310.
Rolings, —— , 238.
Rollins, 200.
Romolus, see Vessels.
Rope and rope walk, 325, 386.
Rose, William, 354.
Reser, see Rozier.
Ross, Acquilla, 458; John, 427,
Rouse, James, 338.
Rover, see Vessels.
Rowding, James, 465.