January 1-December 31, 1781 547
[Jas Calhoun, Comy of the W. Shore, Baltimore to Mr. David Poe,
Q. Master, Baltimore]
I Received yours of the 10th Inst. Requesting me to furnish you
with one hundred Ton of Hay and one Thousand Bushels of Corn
and Oats or other Grain Equivolent for the Post at this Place.
I am very sorry that it is totally out of my Power to Comply with
this Requisition at this time as I have not any Forage in my Posses-
sion belonging to the State or the means procuring it.
Your Application shall be laid before the Governor and Council,
but whether it will be in their power to procure the necessary Forage
for the Post I cannot undertake to say
November 11
[Jno Gibson, Colo. 7th Virg. Regt. Fort. Pitt, to His Excellency the
Governor of Maryland]
This will be handed to your Excellency, by Serjt Tannehill of the
7th Virg. Regt who now marches down the Remainder of the Mary-
land Corps formerly Commanded by Col Rawlins except one man
who has a large family, to whom the General commanding this De-
partment has given permission to remain here until Spring
The reason of sending them of now, was a Serjt and two more
deserted, and we were much afraid the rest would follow their Ex-
ample they seemed anxious to join their Line
November 12
Red Book
No 32
Letter 19
[Chas. Blake, Corsica, to Gov. Lee.] (Pr favour of Colo Tilghman)
Colo Tench Tilghman has promiStd to deliver this, I apprehend
that the last acquainting you with the Situation of the Publick Cattle
in my possession has not come to hand, they are daily loosing. I hope
your Ex. will give immediate directions what to do with them. If it
can be done some desire to have them again. A Gentn has made an
offer to receive the Cattle at the Red Lion near New Castle there
have them judg'd and in June next deliver half the quantity in good
order. I think those that will receive them again had better be per-
mitted (if they can be spared) and the rest drove to Elk where if not
wanting Colo Hollingsworth may probably dispose of them to ad-
vantage. If any are wanting. to be Salted there is a very large pro-
portion of them yett fine beef and I have plenty of Salt. I hope yr
Ex. will send directions by Express; as every day is of vast impor-
tance, and a letter may lay ten or twelve days if not sent in that way.
I need say no more of the necessity of immediate orders or my own
November 14
[John Smith Brookes, Upper Marlbro, to The Honble The Governor
& Council.]
I received your commands some few days agoe by the hands of
Colo George, wherein you desire me to send forward what cattle
November 15