January 1-December 31, 1781 513
[Memo of Richard Conway to Mr. James Adam and
John Langden]
Brig Alexandria, Burthen Eighty Tons or Thereabouts mounts
12 Carriage Guns Six pounders Each. Commanded by Capt John
Thos Boucher with Forty men.
N. B. The Brig Alexandria is owned by John McLure, Robt T.
Hooe, Robt Adam and Richd Conway.
October 4
[Thos Beall of Geo for T. Richardson, Geo. Town, to His Excellency
Thos. S. Lee Esqr]
Please inform me how the pasturage of Cattle is to be Settled and
at what price whether I am to pay them money or Certificates there
has been a good many Waggons ImpreStd to hawl flour, the People
calls on me for payment, shall I settle with them, give Certificates or
am I to pay them money
There is no Liquors to be procured in this County I am informed
that Messrs Rawlings & Price are likely to do something Clever in
this way
our New Money will not pass Current here at present, the gen-
eral Cry is hard Stuff. I am hardly able to hire a Single hand to
store flour for the new money, but am in hopes as soon as the Sher-
iffs begins their Collections it will give the money in some Measure
a New life.
October 4
[Chas. Blake, Corsica, to His Excel. Thos. Sim Lee]
First by Mr Middleton and then by Mr Bast I inform'd yr Excell :
that I had 369 head of Cattle 55 of which I sent off by Mid-
dletons Boat the rest remain on land; and as I before inform'd are
losing fast the pastures being all gone. I should be happy in getting
yr orders what to do with them. Colo Blaine desired me to kill and
send them to York by Vessels he was to send, but I have never yet
seen the Vessels, and suppose by his not sending they are not wanting
there; unless something is done with them very soon I shall have
the Mortification of sending (instead of fine beef when procur'd)
nothing but bones. If they should be wanting to the Southward
please to order the officer in Annap: to send Vessels for them as
there are none here. I can have them all kill'd and salted on board
in seven days.
[P. S.] Immediate orders would be a great saving of beef.
October 5
[Dan'l Jenifer, Porto, to Gov. Lee.] (By Mr. Verdin)
Your Letter of the 29th Ulto I yesterday recd and shall send off
the horses to-morrow there is among them a small Bay horse with
a Roan tail if he shou'd be thought under size, 1 will gladly exchange
October 5
Red Book
No. 29
Letter 52