January 1-December 31, 1781 235
[W. Smallwood, Charles County, to Gov. Lee.] (favored by
Ensign Arthur)
This will be addressed by Ensign Arthur of the 4th Maryland
Regiment, in which he acted as a Voluntier from the r 7th June last,
under promise of a Commission, but has not obtained it — owing to
his having been ever since with the Southern Army.
He claims his Rank from the above Date, and stands arranged
from that Time upon the new Establishment & now waits on your
Excellency to obtain an Order for the Quantity of Stores and cloath-
ing he may be entitled to, which you will be so obliging to order
for him.
We have no news in this Quarter. The Enemy's Ships left Patow-
mack about four Days ago The Inhabitants have been much alarmed,
and have removed most of their Property from the water side,
there has been nothing short of a State of confusion here for some
time past, but the People are now getting settled again
May 8
Brown Book
No. 2
Letter 38
[Sam. Smith, Balt., to Gov. Lee.]
I am inform'd that Mr Dorsey has receiv'd an order for a Consid-
erable sum of Money on the Collector of this County. I therefore
take the liberty to apply & beg that I may have an order if Money
is not in the Treasury either on the Collector of Harford or Fred-
erick County, I Have not been troublesome to you knowing the want
of the State, or if your Excelly will give me an Order on Mr Calhoun
for the flour, say as near as I can at present guess 350 Bbles It would
be a quicker & much more advantageous Mode for the State as to
settling that Business. I will in that Case give up my Commissions
on that quantity, Mr Bowley will deliver this — he is a party Con-
cernd & will receive either the order for the Money or flour, I flatter
myself I may be Certain of one or the other, The State of the Bay
has been such as made it Imprudent to bring up the remainder of the
flour, I Have now sent for it & shall expect it every Day, all the accots
are ready for settling in order to prevent Disputes & alterations aris-
ing. It will be well for your Excelly to appoint one person properly
Capable I will appoint another before whom I will lay the papers
& let them settle the general average this will prevent any referrence
hereafter, Mr Bowly will give you any other Information you may
Mr Griffith has 90 Bbles flour in his Possession which was sent to
the State I should be glad to receive an order for it
I enclose three Commissions
May 8
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 77
[John Smith Brookes, Upper Marlbro, to The Honble The Governor
& Council.] (By Capt. Bowie)
My necessity for a sum of Money to Transact the business I am
intrusted with, is so great that I cannot refrain from repeating my
May 9