Black Book
No. 10
No. 34
1750, May 14
of Rivers make other parishes especialy that in which you live the
people say that they design to petition both county courts for a
bridge over the N. East branch because the wading places are difficult
in a fresh — I understand that the taxable persons are towards six
hundred which is a great deal more then my parish was when I came
first to it. the people up Nanticoke tell me tht you will be thr friend
in this point & I hope you will engadge the rest of the house to it.
use yr entrest with Coll King & yr Brother to whom present my
service & tell yr Brother to bring home with him Mrs Whittinghams
Mr Sullivan seemd to be agst it last year when I was speaking
about it I need not tell you how to engadge him & Mr Lecount for
it will neither affect Mr Dell or myself during our lives except here-
after we should voluntarily surrender
if there should be any obstacle in the Upper house about it give
my duty to his excellency the Govr & the Honble Upper house &
acquaint them that it is the very same thing which I acquainted them
with last year that it would make a plott of ground pretty near
20 miles square
pardon this trouble for yr Zeal for the people & their dependence
on you prompts me to .request yr active endeavour on the premisses
if their should be any obstacle which I hope there will not
Stepney parish May 14th 1750
I rest
Yr humble Servt
Alexr Adams
p. S. let me know by Capt Day Scott how tis like to goe
Black Book
No. 1
No. 30
1750, May 14
To his Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor of Maryland and
To the Honourable the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly.
The petition of George Catto of Cecill County Gentleman and
Araminta his wife Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of
Mr William Alexander of Cecill County aforesaid her former Hus-
band Deceased. Humbly sheweth.
That the said William Alexander Died Considerably in Debt to
sundry persons more than the whole amount of his Personal Estate
besides a Large Debt Due to the Commissioners of the Paper Cur-
rency Office.
That your Petitioner Araminta having paid away the said Estate
as far as it would go (as by the Commissary General's Office may
appear) there is a Debt Due to the said Office Antecedent to a Mar-
riage Settlement made on your Petitioner Araminta her Marriage
with the said Alexander
That the said William Alexander Died possest of a House in
Annapolis, in which Mr George Atkinson now Lives, part of the said
Alexander's Real Estate, and which by Distance of your petitioners