of the Council of Maryland. 361
Joseph Merikin for the use of the Militia on the North side of Severn
to be by him Accounted for.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Robert Miles five pounds
twelve shillings and six pence of the new Emission due him per
Account passed by the Depy Aud.
That James Calhoun F.sqr five hundred and eighteen Barrels of
Merchantable Flour for so much seized from him as Agent for the
Marine of France Viz in the hands of John Smith Esqr three hundred
& twenty nine barrels George Matthews Thirty four Forman &
Chambers eighty & the produce of five hundred & Six bushls of wheat
purchased by Colo Henry Amounts to Seventy five Barrels.
March 23
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 61
[Council to Delegates in Congress.]
We had the Honor of yours of the 13th Current, and lament that
it is not in our Power to supply you with any Money. The Treasury
here is exhausted, we have some continental Money in the Treasury
of the Eastern Shore, but the Communication cut off by the Ships
opposite our Harbour prevents us from supplying you from thence
in Time as before we shall be able to convey a Letter for the Purpose,
the Money will be exchanged the Moment it is in our Power you may
depend that we shall most chearfully transmit the Money to you.
March 23
Liber No. 78
p. 97
[Council to President of Congress.]
We had the Honor of your Excellency's Letter of the 18th Instant
by Express inclosing the General's Letter from Rhode Island, con-
taining the agreeable Intelligence of the sailing of the French Squad-
ron. The Letters for the Marquis were immediately forwarded and
we are hourly in anxious Expectation of hearing from him and of
Affairs to the Southward nothing material has occured since our
Letter of the 14th The Troops are landed and the two British Ships
which we understand are the [Fowey | of twenty four and the General
Monk of 20 Guns continues off our Harbour, they were joined some
Days past by two armed schooners which went up the Bay where
they plundered the shores and made some Prizes, but yesterday they
went past this place down the Bay
Saturday 24 March 1781
Ordered that the Commissary of Stores deliver to Joseph Phearson
one shirt and to John Predix one Coat one Jacket and one shirt.
That Doctr James Murray deliver to Joseph Walker one pound of
Bark out of the State Shop.
Commissions issued to Robert Taylor appointed first Lieutenant
and Humphrey Posey second Lieut of Capt. Samuel Lucketts Com-
pany in the 26th Battalion of Militia in Charles County.
March 24
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 62