Thursday 25th January 1781
Ordered That the western short Treasurer pay to Lieut Philip Hill
of the 2nd Regiment nineteen pounds, four shillings and nine pence
of the new Emission in lieu of seven hundred and sixty nine pounds,
ten shillings due him for Stores per Account passed by the Depy Audr
and also the further sum of fifty pounds of the same Emission
agreeable to a Resolution of the Genl Assembly of the prest Session
on Acct.
That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut James Maccubbin Lingan
of the late Rawlings's Regimt Twenty pounds of the same Emission
Balance due him of the Fifty pounds agreeable to a Resolution of
the present Session of Assembly
That the said Treasurer pay to Luther Martin Esquire two thou-
sand nine hundred and seventy seven pounds ten shillings due him
for the like sum borrowed of him by the State in May 1780,
That the said Treasurer pay to Charles Moore twenty eight pounds
eighteen shillings and eight pence of the new Emission in lieu of
eleven hundred and fifty seven pounds, eight shillings and three
pence due him per Acct passedl by the D Aud
That the said Treasurer pay to John Smith forty pounds eight
shillings and one penny of the same Emission in lieu of one thousand
six hundred and sixteen pounds, five shillings due him per Account
passed by the D. Aud.
That the Eastern shore Treasurer pay to Docf Sullivan six
hundred and fifty five pounds twelve shillings and nine pence of the
same Emission in lieu of twenty six thousand two hundred and
twenty five pounds eleven shillings and three pence for the use of
Levin Kirkman and also eleven pounds thirteen shilings and nine
pence for the use of Nathan Bradley due them per Accounts passed
by the Aud. Genl
That the western shore Treasurer pay to David Poe Continental
Quartermaster for the District of Baltimore Town forty hhds of
Tobacco amounting to seven thousand one hundred and three pounds
for the use of that Department on Account and to be charged to the
United States.
January 25
Liber C. B.
No. 24
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Lieut Philip Hill twenty
four gallons of Rum & ninety six pounds of sugar due him for 1780
Ordered that the Commissary of Stores deliver to Lieut Philip Hill
one suit of Cloaths and four shirts for the year 1780. Captn William
Brown Capt. Lieut James Smith and Lieut John Casson of the
Maryland Artillery each, four shirts for the year 1780 and also to
James Craik Physician Genl, in the Hospital Department a suit of
Cloaths and Linen for four Shirts for the yr 1780.
Agreeable to the Constitution and Form of Government the
Council proceeded to the choice of a Councillor in the room of Daniel
p. 36