An Act Enabling and requiring the Clerk of Baltimore County
Court to Record a Deed of Bargain and Sale from Morgan Mur-
ray to Mary Stevenson & the making Valid the same
Whereas William Barney of Baltimore County by his Humble
Petition to this General Assembly set forth that he is son & Heir
to Elizabeth Barney late of said County deceased and that a Certain
Morgan Murray late of said County deceased was seized in fee as
the Petitioner supposes of the one Moiety of a Tract of Land in said
County called Morgan's Delight and Conveyed the same to a Cer-
tain Mary Stevenson the same Moiety being one Hundred and Fifty
acres that the said Mary Stevenson by deed of Gift gave the same to
the said Elizabeth Barney that on the fifteenth day of January in
the Year of our Lord Seventeen hundred & Seventeen the said
Morgan Murray for a Valuable Consideration Actually Executed a
Deed of Bargain & Sale for the said Land and Acknowledged the
same before two of his Lordships then Justices of the Peace for
the County aforesaid; Yet that from the Ignorance of the Grantees
the said Deeds were never Recorded the truth of which allegations
Sufficiently appear to this General Assembly, It is therefore Prayed
that it may be Enacted And Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable
the Lord Proprietary by and with the Advice and Consent of his
Lordships Governour and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assem-
bly and the Authority of the same, That the Clerk of Baltimore
County Court do and shall at the Instance of the said William Bar-
ney record the aforesaid Deed of Bargain & Sale so as aforesaid
Made & Acknowledged among the Land Records of said County at
any time within the space of Six Months from and after the end of
this Session of Assembly, and that when the same is so Recorded
the same Deed & the Record thereof shall be as good and Valid in
Law as if the same Deed had been Recorded as the Law directs
within the space of six Months from the date thereof any Law usage
or Custom to the Contrary notwithstanding Saving to his most
Sacred Majesty his Heirs and Successors to the Right Honourable
the Lord Proprietary his Heirs and Successors and to all Bodies
Politick and Corporate and all others not mentioned in this Act
their several and Respective Rights.