June 4
Thursday Morning, June 4. 1747
The House met &c. All Members present as Yesterday, except
Mr Mackall.
Col. Henry, Major Barnes, Mr John Goldsborough, Col. Hall,
and Mr John Paca, have Leave of the House to go Home.
Col Hammond, from the Upper House, delivers Mr Speaker a
petition of Patrick Creagh, of the City of Annapolis, referred by
the Upper House to the Consideration of the Lower House; which
petition was here Read and rejected.
Mr Smith, from the Committee appointed to inspect the Deed of
purchase of the Land whereon the House for the Residence of a
Governor is Built &c. delivers Mr Speaker the following Report, viz.
By the Committee appointed by the Honourable Lower House of
Assembly, to inspect the Deed of purchase of the Land whereon the
House for the Residence of a Governor is built, also the Buildings
and other Materials, on the said Land now being; June 3, 1747.
Agreeable to the order of your Honourable House, your Com-
mittee have inspected into the Deed from Mr Stephen Bordley to
Thomas Bladen Esqr the Late Governor, for four Acres of Land,
and do find the same bearing Date the 2d of October, 1744, acknowl-
edged the 29th of April 1747 and Recorded the same Day in the pro-
vincial Records, in Lib. E I. No 8 ffol. 276, on the back whereof is
a Receit for 200l Current money, Sign'd Stephen Bordley; and the
Courses of the said Land are as follow; viz.
Beginning at a Bounded post standing on the North side of Taber-
nacle Street, and running thence North 39 Degrees west, 25 perches
and 6 10ths of a perch, to another Bounded post; thence South 51
Degrees west, 25 perches, to another Bounded Post; then South 39
Degrees East, 25 perches and 6 10ths of a perch, to another Bounded
post; and from thence with a Streight Line to the Beginning post ;
the Boundaries whereof, by the Inspection of your Committee, do
not appear to have been fixed, either according to the Expressions in
the said Deed, or the Directions of the Act of Assembly in that Case
made and provided, neither is there any Certificate of the Survey
thereof returned and Recorded in the Mayor's Court Office, or in
the County Court, according to the Directions of the said Act. Your
Committee further find, That several Bricks, in the new House
erected on the said Land for the use of the Governor for the Time