466 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
Liber No. 34
June 12
Friday Morning 12 June 1747.
This House met again according to adjournment
Present as Yesterday
Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the afternoon
Eodcm Die post Meridiem
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning with The Addition of Benjamin Young
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning ten of the Clock
June 13
Saturday Morning 13 June 1747
This House met according to Adjournment
Present as Yesterday Except Colonel Hammond
A Bill from the Lower house by Messrs Smalwood & Harrison En-
tituled an Act to Remedy some proceedings in the Court of Charles
County and to prevent the Removal of Records from the Publick
Offices, thus Endorsed
By the Lower house of Assembly 12 June 1747
Read the first time and ordered to Lye on the Table.
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl Lo. H.
By the Lower house of Assembly 13 June 1747
Read the second time and will Pass
Signed p Order M. Macnemara Cl. Lo. H.
p. 170
Read the first Time in this house and ordered to Lye on the Table
Read the Petition of William Barney of Baltimore County Pray-
ing Leave to bring in a Bill impowering the Clerk of Baltimore
County to Record a Deed Executed Anno 1717 between Morgan
Murray and Mary Stevenson for Part of a Tract of Land Containing
150 Acres called Morgans Delight, Referred to the Consideration
of the Lower house of Assembly, and Sent by Phillip Thomas Esqre
Adjourned till Monday Morning ten of the Clock
June 15
Monday Morning the 15 June 1747
This house met according to adjournment
Benjamin Tasker Esqr Phillip Thomas Esqre
Col George Plater Daniel Dulany Esqre
The Honourable. Col. James Hollyday Benjamin Young Esqr
Co} Charles Hammond Richard Lee, Esquire
Samuel Chamberlain Esqre
Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon