of the Council of Maryland. 155
Capt. Joseph Middletons Vessel, a Schooner Boat, has been im-
pressed by our Order, to go to the Head of Elk to Transport Troops
from thence to Virginia, but as she is at present engaged in the
Public Service she is to return from Baltimore to Annapolis.
Lieut. James Ewing. You are to take under your Care and Direc-
tion the Schooner Planters Friend Nathl Ross. The Schooner Liberty
Thomas Dillow. The Schooner Speedwell Thomas Hingson & the
Schooner Boat Richard Brewer which Vessels are permitted to touch
at Baltimore to unload and from thence you are to proceed with them
to the Head of Elk for the Purpose of Transporting a Detachment
of the American Army to the State of Virginia. You are to apply
to Colo Hollingsworth at the Head of Elk for further Orders.
Lieut. James Skinner — You are to take under your Care and
Direction The Schooner Dispatch, The Schooner Sally Nicholas
Valliant, The sloop Fly, The Schooner Sea Flower Thomas Johnson
and the Polly Boat John Valliant impressed for the Purpose of
Transporting a Detachment of the American Army to the State of
Virginia and when you arrive at the Head of Elk you are to apply
to Colo Hollingsworth for further Orders.
Liber C B
No. 23
[Council to General Smallwood.]
Sir — No other Information that the Maryland Division is on the
March for Carolina has reached this Board, than what is contained
in a Letter from the Board of War to Colo Hollingsworth of the
19th Inst a Copy of which that Gentleman sent us and since wrote on
the 25th that an Express was just arrived from Head Quarters with
Letters advising him of the Route of the Reinforcement for the
Southern Army and that the Number originally designed for that
Purpose was augmented to 3000, & of the near Approach of their
Van, to the Head of Elk. Colo Hollingsworth had procured only
12 Vessels on the 25th, but as we have given him adequate Powers,
to impress Vessels, we flatter ourselves, with what we can get here,
he will secure a Sufficient Number to forward the Troops as they
arrive, without any material Loss of Time. We have taken the earli-
est Opportunity of conveying to you every Intelligence we have
received respecting the Movement of this Detachment and hope
it will reach you in Time to regulate yours. Every Species of Cloath-
ing in the Hands of our Agent in Baltimore Town, necessary for
our Troops destined to the Southward we shall draw to this Place,
with a View of making a Distribution of them and to that End, have
Liber C C
No. 22
p. 94
requested Colo Forrest to apply to the Officer commanding them, to
send a Party for them, if he should not touch at this Port on his
Way down. We have also advised the Colo to order the Officers and
Men on Furlough and those on the Recruiting Service, to rendezvous
immediately at the most convenient of the two Posts of Annapolis
and Port Tobacco to be in Readiness to march or embark for Peters-