Letter of Transmission. xiii
Anne Arundel, the three Prince George's delegates present, and Wilkinson
from Queen Anne's.
A proposal to lay an export tax on tobacco for the benefit of the County
Schools was rejected on October 20, by a vote of 27 to g, in a thin House. The
friends of education were Yeates of Charles, Gale and Martin of Somerset,
Colvill and George of Cecil, Caswell of Baltimore, Sprigg of Prince George's
and the two Annapolitans.
Jonas Green was ordered to be paid for printing the Votes of the House by
a vote of 21 to 17 on October 22. The opposition consisted of Chesley of
St. Mary's, Worthington of Anne Arundel, Weems of Calvert, Hall of Charles,
King of Somerset, the Goldsboroughs of Talbot, the three delegates present
from Dorchester, Scott of Baltimore, the three delegates present from Prince
George's, Pemberton and Wright of Queen Anne's.
On the next day, a vote of 14 to 25 registered the refusal to allow the Secre-
tary's fees as stated in the Journal of Accounts. Those who voted to allow it
were the Greshams and Wilson of Kent, Carroll and Worthington of Anne
Arundel, the three Charles delegates present, LeCompte of Dorchester, Shere-
dine of Baltimore, the three men present from Prince George's, and Wilkinson
of Queen Anne's.
On the 25th, by a vote of 27 to 12, the House approved the Journal of Ac-
counts, dissent being voiced by the Greshams and Wilson of Kent, Carroll and
Worthington of Anne Arundel, the three men present from Charles, Sheredine
of Baltimore, Magruder and Wootton of Prince George's, and Wilkinson of
Queen Anne's.
On the same day, by a vote of 19 to 20, the House voted to reject the draft
of an address on the quit rents to the Proprietary. The Proprietary party sup-
ported the address, which was favored by Griffith of St. Mary's, the three
Kentish men present, all the Somerset delegation, Thomas from Talbot, the
three present from Dorchester, the three present from Cecil, Caswell and Scott
from Baltimore, Pemberton from Queen Anne's, and Gordon from Annapolis.
On October 26, the House passed a bill for raising an annual revenue
for the Governor, by a vote of 17 to 24. The Proprietary party voted in the
negative, which comprised the full delegations from St. Mary's and Somerset,
and the three present from Dorchester and from Cecil, as well as the two Anna-
politans and Calder of Kent, Caswell and Scott from Baltimore, and Pemberton
and Wright of Queen Anne's.
An amended address to the Proprietary, as to an equivalent for quit rents,
was adopted on the 27th, by a vote of 23 to 16. The negative votes were cast
by Swann of St. Mary's, Wilson of Kent, Carroll and Worthington of Anne
Arundel, the three Calvert delegates present, Harrison and Yeates from