281, 282, 284, 285, 289, 300,
312, 323, 327, 334, 335, 365,
366, 389, 403-405, 410, 425,
440, 441, 461, 485, 491, 499,
500; Mrs., 209-211, 236, 327,
335; v. Abrahal, 158, 246; v.
Allen, 232; v. Cole, 260; v.
Cornwaleys, 244, 267; v. Cor-
nelius, 38, 68; v. Eltonhead,
48, 71, 174, 252, 253; V. Fos-
ter, 38; v. Land, 38; v. Lewis,
230; v. Lindsey, 201, 253, 300;
v. Peake, 30; v. Thomas, 68;
v. Watson, 39; v. Williams,
323, 334-
Owens, Richard, 259, 270-275.
Oyster Creek, 94.
Packer, Edward, 64, 93-95, 125,
131, 133, 149, 185, 189, 215,
223, 224, 303, 311, 412; Eliza-
beth, 509, 538; v. Husbands,
Page, John, 548, 549-
Pagett, Thomas, 480.
Pakes (Pake, Peake), George,
2, 136, 150, 182, 200, 304, 334,
335, 419; Walter, 30, 31, 72,
75, 76, 82, 122, 125, 132, 167,
228, 266, 285, 349, 382, 388,
394, 396, 417, 419, 421, 437,
441, 447, 451-454, 490, 503,
513, 519, 528, 563, 569, 580,
590, 591; v. Clark, 388; v.
Hammond, 388, 394, 452, 453 ;
v. Hughes, 382, 441; v. Simp-
son, 31; v. Veitch, 396, 421 ;
v. -Waring, 396.
Palldin (Pauldin), Jane, 14-18,
382, 432.
Palmer, Samuel, 182; William,
150, 385, 448, 451, 453, 471,
522, 553, 554.
Pamunkey, 287, 288.
Pangayo Indians, 206.
Parker, Edward, 604; John,
237; Peter, 108; Samuel, 4,
39, 96, 141, 155. 163, 164; Wil-
liam, 336, 361, 402, 403, 511,
517, 518, 521, 522; v. Estate
of Lewis, 4, 96; v. Mitchell,
Parks (Parkes), Edward, 3, 87,
94, 95, 138, 139, 204, 207, 292;
———— , 9; v. Batchelor, 9; v.
Jenkins, 3.
Parnell, Henry, 92-96, 154, 185,
204, 239; v. Cornelius, 185.
Parratt (Parrott), William, I,
9, 12, 22, 29, 30, 77, 135, 268,
289, 296, 572, 598; v. Belcher s
Estate, 572; v. Brasse, 268,
296; v. Tully, 29.
Parre, John, 136, 334, 335; Rob-
ert, 135, 136, 334, 335-
Pascatoway, Emperor of, 115;
River, 287.
Pass from Province, 158.
Passengers on Sloop, Accom-
modations for, 240.
Patapsco River, 592.
Patrickson (Patterson), Rob-
ert, 35, 324, 329, 345, 415, 416.
Patuxent, I, 28-30, 36, 57, 61, 72,
75, 76, 81, 82, 84, 85, 90, loo,
123, 136, 137, 144, 148, 168,
196, 199, 220, 232, 241, 268,
269, 303, 305, 311, 325, 328,
329, 345, 348, 358, 375, 380,
390, 393, 394, 400-402, 406,
408, 413, 415, 417, 433, 472,
484, 486, 512, 519, 528, 529.
Pauper, 295, 332, 500.
Payne, Thomas, 262, 267, 287.
Payton (Peyton), Henry, 79,
97, 152, 349; Robert, 437, 520 ;
Valentine, 64, 487, 595; v.
Reynolds, 595; v. Robinoon,
Pearce, James, 369; Margaret,
Pearson, Thomas, 360, 361.
Peck, Charles, 400-402.
Peere, Henry, 447, 448, 450, 496.
Pendleton, Thomas, 44, 65; v .
Waring, 44, 65.
Penney, Henry, see Thick-
Pennington, Henry, 445, 507,
515; Rachel, 445; v. Greene,
Peon, James, 539; v. Evans,
Perkisse, Robert, 138.
Persimmon Pond, 94.
Pettus, Thomas, 499.
Phelps, Cuthbert, 61, 182.
Pheypo, Marks, 94, 122, 128,
129, 132, 134, 179, 198, 218,
221, 239, 251, 253, 267, 325,
344, 356, 405, 440, 446, 478,
488, 512, 523, 524, 527. 571,
576, 587, 588; v. Brooks, 198;
v. Greene, 527; v. Land, 325 ;
v. Smoote, 128, 179, 512, 571,
587, 588.
Phillips, Bartholomew, 52, 53,
81, 226, 452; Thomas, 10, 81,
101, 148, 298, 340; William,
77; v. Mitchell, 81.
Phillpott, Edmond, 18, 21, 22,
186, 191, 193; Thomas, 397;
v. Bannister, 397.
Pickard (Picckar), Nicholas,
112, 419, 525.
Pierce, John, 424; William, 477,
Pikaiowaxen, 39, 294, 364, 578,
Pille (Pile, Piles), Anne, 264;
John, 260, 263, 264, 267, 289,
290, 340-343, 394, 422, 556-
566; Joseph, 264; Mary, 264;
Sara, 264; Mrs. ———— , 340,
341, 565; v. Hall, 290.
Pindley, William, 464.
Pinson, Edmund, 571, 579, 580.
Piny Point, 130.
Piper, John, 26, 27, 292.
Piracy, 306.
Pitcher, Thomas, 91.
Plott, Thomas, 34.
Plum Point, 334.
Pollard, John, 553, 571, 597-
Poole, Thomas, 326.
Pope (Poop), Anne, 480; Fran-
cis, 497, 567; Henry, 70; Na-
thaniel, 237, 238, 265, 453, 454,
481, 482, 508, 533.
*Poplar Hill, 297, 359, 498.
*Pork Hall, 265, 533, 544.
Port Duties, 346.
Port Tobacco (Portoback), 58,
59, 82, 169, 170, 182, 186, 207,
212, 230, 234, 235, 254, 261,
368, 449, 499, 500, 580; Creek,
51, 54, 205; Queen of, 471.
Portugal, 306.
Posey, Francis, 46, 100.
Potomac River, 87, 93, 223, 236,
287, 288, 365, 386, 390, 400,
462, 512, 580.
Pott (Potts), John, 6, 24, 49,
56, 77, 80, 159, 161, 184, 369;
Thomas, 344.
Potter, Adrige, 527; Elizabeth,
157, l8l,356, 357, 394; Henry,
93, 94. 122, 123, 128, 159, 181,
196, 257, 259, 324, 325, 394,
442, 485, 488, 527; William,
449, 511; v. Thomas, 257, 259.
Pouett, Thomas, 382, 457.
Powell, John, 387; Thomas,
382, 457.
Prator, Jonathan, 184, 202, 389 ;
v. Kennedy, 184, 202.
Prescott, Edward, 297, 312, 327-
329, 344, 355, 356, 363, 397,
Preston, Richard, i, 3, 9, 12-15,
22, 30, 37, 62, 66, 80, 106, 180,
203, 249, 295, 300, 326, 329,
415, 416, 508; v. Clawson, 13,
Price, Anne, 520; Jenkin, 216,
217; John, 2, 12, 51, 64, 66,
116, 141, 157, 160, 177, 186,
309, 311, 344, 346, 360, 368,
396, 398, 403, 405, 406, 440,
463, 469, 48i, 507, 509, 520,
532, 537, 574, 583; William,
589; v. Black, 398; v. Muse,
406; and Huse v. Estate of
Dandy, 12.
Prince, John, 94.
Pritchard (Pritchett), John,
13, 226; Thomas, 64, 204, 460,
499; William, 226.
Proctor, Nathaniel, 475.
Prott, Job, 127.
Providence, Anne Arunde1
County, 1.
Providence of Bristol, Ship,
Provincial Court, Attendance
fees, 232; Session postponed,
127, 183, 3io, 493, 506; Sum-
moned, 201, 259, 311, 442, 486,
529, 567, 595.
Pryme, Robert, 359.