Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. 591
Rogue and Villaine & sayd he had forwarned him his howse, And
further the said Hammond sayd that the said Lumbrozo tould him
saying that if you and I be Partners you must not take notice of itt &
further sayth not. Walter Pake
Gent. These are to certefye you that sometyme the last yeare Doc-
tor Lumbrozo did tell me that he had been att Mr Hamonds to
demand some tobacco of the sd Hammond, and that the said Ham-
mond would haue the sd Doctor to lye with his wife for his Tobacco,
and [if] he would not take that pay he would pay him [no] other-
wise and the sd Doctor did .... in his heart to accquainte .... I
shall depose
The plt Craues an Appeale to the next Proa11 Cort which is granted,
vera Copie Ex p Walter Hall Cik
P. C. R.
And the aforesaid Jury returned their Verdict vizt
We find Capt Robert Troope guilty of the disabillity that Morris
Murfee hath received in his lymbs, Ordered that they goe out againe
& Consider of the Damage.
And the Jury returned againe after some tyme and brought in their
verdict touching the damage as followeth
The Damages wee find Eight thousand pounds of tobacco for
Murfee, Ordered that Capt Troope give in security to pay vnto
Morris Murfee Eight thousand pounds of Tobacco with Costs of
Suite, and that 1060l tobacco be payd Capt Gardner out of Murfees
Eight thousand pounds of tobacco.
Murfee v.
The Jurys Verdict touching John Lumbroso plt and John Ham-
mond deft.
Wee finde noe Cause of Action.
Lumbrozo v.
The Jurys Verdict touching John Hamond plt and John Lombroso
Wee finde for the plt five thousand pounds of tobacco damages
with Costs of suite
v. Lumbrozo
[A petition from Christian Bonnefield is printed in 3 Md. Arch.
Coun. 463.]
Vpon the peticon abouesaid It is ordered that whatsoever Chris-
tean Bonnefeild can make appeare to be hers before the prtended
marryage with Robert Holte, or that is purchast with that Estate
shall be restored to her the land excepted, and that she doth Con-
tinue in that howse as formerly vntill further order of this Cort and
that Dauid Holte haue letters of Adcon
p. 1124
v. Holt
To the honoble the Leiutennt Generall & Councell of the Province
of Maryland, Sheweth The humble petn of Henry Heylyn Attorney
Smith v.