nesses to the deed within written is their owne hand wryting and
that they did see the said Thomas Gerrard Signe Seale & deliuer the
same Thomas Cornwallis John Langford
Both these deponts sworne to the truth hereof the 13th day of Sept
1659 before me Robt Keylway one of the Mrs of the Chancery of
Efigld Robert Keylway
To all Christean people to whome this prsent wryting shall come
Greeting Whereas Thomas Gerrard of New hall in the County of
Lanaster gent, late of Snowe hill in the Province of Maryland in the
parts of America by one Recognizance beareing date the nineteenth
day of June in the yeare of the Reigne of our Soueraigne Lord
Charles by the grace of god of England Scotland France and Ireland
King defender of the fayth &c. the sixteenth accknowledged before
John Page Esqr one of the Masters of the most honoble Cort of Chan-
cery hath become bound vnto Abell Snowe of Cursitars Office in
Chancery Lane of London gent, his heires Executors Administrators
and Assigns in the Sume of one thousand pounds of lawfull English
money to be leauyed vpon the goods and Chatties lands Tenemts and
heredittamts of the said Thomas Gerrard his heires Executors and
Admrs within the Province of Maryland aforesaid for the payment &
deliuery of the full Sume of thirty five thousand pounds weight of
good and merchantable Leafe tobacco of Maryland and also the
Sume of one hundred ninety and foure pounds of Currant English
money which the sd Thomas Gerrard oweth vpon a Just acco made
betwixt the said Abell Snowe and Thomas Gerrard vnto the sd Abell