P. C. R.
of the Mannor of Snowe hill, And wee doe grant vnto the said Abell
Snowe and his heires that he or they for ever hereafter shall and
may haue hould vse and Enjoye within the said Mannor a Courte
Leete and Court Barren with all things therevnto belonging accord-
ing to the most vsuall forme and Custome of England. Given vnder
our greate Seale of our said Province att St Marys this 12th day of
February in the yeare of our lord 1640 Wittnes our said Deare
Brother &c. Leonard Calvcrt
I Marmaduke Snowe of Ferny hill in the County of Stafford gent,
doe this thirteenth day of September 1659 Surrender to the Right
Honoble Csecilius Lord Barren of Baltemore Lord and Proprietary
of Maryland, All my right tytle and interest to this Pattent or Grant
of Snowe hill in Maryland, and all the land and aptrices therein men-
cdned together with the Grant and Pattent itt selfe.
Marmaduke Snowe
Surrendred and subscribed in the prsence of us Ph: Darnall Jo :
Langford Cecill Langford Tho. Charnly Rich. Burke
John Langford and Caecill Langford of London gent, doe make
oathe that this is a true Coppy of a Grant or Pattent beareing date
the tweluth day of February 1640 and that they did see Marmaduke
Snowe of ferny hill in the County of Stafford gent, surrender and
deliuer vp the Originall grant or Pattent to the Right honoble Csecill
Lord Baltemore and that both these deponts names subscribed as
wittnesses to the said Surrender are their owne pper hand wrytings
and that this is a true [copy] thereof