404 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1660.
P. C. B
very well bene dispatched when now shee has lost a whole voyadge
and being now often soe injuriously dealth with all and from tyme
to tyme more and more damnified, This therefore to be taken notice
on that I the aboue said Augustine Herman by these presents Doe
protest against all the aforesaid dishonest proceedings and vnfaithfull
dealings for which I doe demand satisfaction to the uttmost as lawe
p. 402
and Justice may adiudge, And Doe declare further that I doe lay
hold on the breach, and not performance of the arbitration, And in
Consequence thereof besides the thowsand pounds sterling already
entred, Claime my first principall and demand the ffower hundred
pounds sterling due vnto me by Covenant out of the Estate of Symon
Overzee deceased with about Sixteene thowsand weight of Tobacco
and Neate Porke reall due p ballance of accompts out of the Estate
aforesaid, for which Action shalbe entred, and the Administratrix
arrested to answere the next ensuing Prouinciall Court And soe
desiring this to be recorded I haue herevnto sett my owne hand this
first day of ffebruary 1660 at St Maryes in St Inigoes Riuer in
Maryland Signed Augustine Herrman.
And I Philip Calvert Esquier Governor of the said Province of
Maryland vnder his Lop Caecilius Lord Baron of Baltemore Lord
and Proprietary of the said Province Because the Protest aforesaid
was made before me haue herevnto sett my hand, and caused his said
Lops lesser Seale of the said Province to be affixed herevnto this
first day of ffebruary 1660 Philip Calvert.
Ellery v
Henry Ellery this day being the last of January Demands a writt
to arrest Maior George Colclough and Elizabeth his wife Adminis-
tratrix of Symon Overzee her late deceased husband in an action of
debt of three thowsand Six hundred and Sixty pounds Tob and
Warrant mde to the Sherriffe of Saint Maryes County ret 19
ffebruary next to the Proull Court
Meese v
Henry Meese marchant this 4th day of ffebruary demands a writt
to arrest Maior George Colclough and Elizabeth his wife Adminis-
tratrix to her late deceased husband Symon Overzee in an action of
the Case of three thowsand two hundred pounds sterling.
Warrant mde to the Sherriffe of St Maryes County retournable to
the Proull Court 19 ffebruary at Saint Maryes
Fereira v
David fferrera by his Attorney William Hampstead this 6th day
of ffebruary demands writt to arreast Michaell Basey in an action
of debt of fower hundred thirty Eight pounds Tob & Caske
Warrant mde to the Sherriffe of Calvert County retorn 19 ffebru-
ary following.