P. C. R.
344 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659.
ouer to the sd Mrs Jay a Considerable quantity of Land in Greendall
old ffort or Middle Plantaon amounting to the sd sume of Twenty
pownd sterl pr Annum. In wittnes hereof I haue hereunto sett my
hand & Scale this IIth day of October 1649 George Euelin
Testis Tho: Pott Sam: Cooper John Joyce Sea + le
28o 1659/60
P. 342
nicholas Gwyther Sheriffe of St Maries County Returnes his
writts, warts summons &c: (All Excutd.) Except John Shirtcliffe X
John Walton. Capt Tho: Cornewaleys 2 Accons X John Shirtcliffe,
& Hen: Spinke Marks Pheypo X Willm Smoote.
John Coursey Sheriffe of Kent County Returnes his Writts &c:
(All Executed)
Willm Coursey Sheriffe of Caluert County Ret. Writts &c: (All
Vid. fol. 351
Executed) Except Alexander Anderson X Richard Sullock.
And uppon the Writt of Attatchmt Pro Augustino Herman X
Maior John Billingsley Ret ffiue hogsheads of Tob. attatched.
William Empson Vndersheriffe of Charles Ret. Writts &c: (All
Executed) Except, Edward Prescott X Seuerall pesons (Arthure
Turner only arrested) Robert Lloyd X Daniel Hutt
John norwood Sheriffe of Anarundel County Ret writts &c: (All
Vide i Md.
Arch. Ass.
Att a Prouinciall Court held att St Clements Mannor in St Maries
County on Twesday 28o ffebruary 1659.
Josias ffendall Esqr Gour,
Philip Caluert Esqr Secr
Mr Thomas Gerard
Cott John Price
Mr Robt Clearke
Dr Luke Barber
Cott Nath: Vtye
Mr Baker Brooke.
Vppon Speciall occasion of the Councell The Court adiorned by
the Gouernor till tomorrow morning att 10 o'Clock.
Feb. 29
Wednesday 29o ffebruary, 1659o.
Pnte as yesterday.
Writt to the Sheriffe to impanell a Jury of 12 men to attend the
Court this day as Jurors, & giue in Verdict to the Board in those
Causes wherein they shall bee requyred.
Sheriffe Ret his Writt & Warned
Nicholas Yowng
Robt Kedger
Luke Gardner
Robt Cole
Rich: ffoster
W Beane
Willm Smoote
Marks Pheypo
George Mackall,
Daniel docker
Thomas Lomax
Edmond Lindsey
& faythfully to draw up Depositions, to the best of his understanding,