the Oathes of James Shacklady & Thomas Hobson, It is Ordered
by the Court tht the deft remaine in the Custody of the Sheriffe untill
hee giue in good Security to appeare att the next Prouinciall Court
there to answere unto a penall Statute prouided in tht behalfe agst the
taking away of Orphans from their Guardians.
James Shacklady aged 21 yeares or thereabouts sworne & exam-
ined the 11th of July 1659, Sayth, That hee did take a Desk of Henry
Mitchell in the Portch, wch hee did giue him, & carryed the same
Desk downe to the Landing, att the time when they went away, That
Henry Mitchell did take Grace Molden by the hand, & lead her downe
to the Landing, & putt her into the Boate. And further the sd Depont
Sayth That uppon ffriday att night the first of July, Henry Mitchell
would then haue carryed Grace away & shee would not, & further
Sayth not.
Jurat Coram Sampson Waring.
Thomas Hobson aged 26 yeares, sworne & Examined Eod. die. ut
Supra Sayth, That hee did not know any thing of the busines be-
tweene Henry Mitchell & Grace Molden, But sitting in the Porch wth
the sd Grace, & Anne Napken, in the meane time Henry Mitchell &
John Barramore did come to them, And when they went away hee
this Depont went downe to the Landing wth them, And att the Land-
ing Henry Mitchell did take Grace Molden in his armes & putt her
into the Boate, & further sayth not.
Jurat Cora Sampson Waring.
Anne Napken aged 25 yeares or thereabouts, sworne & Examined
Eod die. Sayth, That shee went downe to the Landing wth Henry
Mitchel & Grace Molden, That shee did know before, there was loue
betweene them. But Henry Mitchell allwayes told this Depont, that
hee would not marry Grace Molden, untill such time as her mother
did come into the Country, That the sd Grace was resolued to marry
wth the sd Henry whither shee had her ffathers good will in it, yea
or noe. That shee this Depont carryed her Box for her out of the
Buttery into the Porch, That Henry Mitchell did speake to John
Barramore to take the Box wth him downe to the Landing & to the
best of her knowledge the sd Barramore did take the same box downe
to That Henry Mitchell did take Grace Molden downe
from the .... & putt her into the Boate: & caused her Cloathes to be
carryed [to the] Landing wth them, & further sayth not.
P. C. R.