306 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659.
P. C. R.
May 31th
General v.
Barrett et
Vide 3 Md.
Arch. Coun.
Before the Gouernor & Capt Tho: Cornewaleys Asst. The Exaon
of Thomas Barrett taken in a Vessell in the Roade in St Georges
Riuer uppon suspicion of Piracy &c: 31th May 1659.
Vppon Examinaon of Thomas Barrett one of the Company of the
Ship May flower, confesseth, That of, of the Westerne Hands one
Capt Collard Groues, by Commisn from the King of Portugall tooke
this Ship, & putt him & six more in her, That hee & they runne away
wth her, And further sayth That hee putt those seamen tht were
taken in her on shoare, & was left by them att Antego. And tht
shee was a Dutch Ship belonging to Amsterdam. And tht the ships
name (as hee takes it) was called the Maria tht tooke her, & tht
shee was about 150 Tunne of a Dunkirke built, of Ten Gunns, wth
about 150 men. This day Month they left the Man of Warre.
p. 270
The Examll of James Mountioy taken as afore uppon Suspition
of Piracy.
James Mountioy, Master of the sd Vessell confesseth, That on the
third day of May last, some in Barbados did informe him that the sd
Vessell was a law full price, And tht shee was laden wth Jewes goods.
Whereuppon hee & six more, wth out any Commisn went and tooke
her. And tht hee did belong to Capt Alexander ffarlow of London
the Rich Bonauenture of seauen guns. And tht hee & the rest were
abused by their seuerall Masters, & did this to right themselues, &
that hee mett the rest by accident in an Alehowse. And that there
was Thirty sayle of English ships in the Roade, sayd, well done
Boyes, & suffered them to carry her away. And tht they gaue the
Gouernour of Antego an Anker of Brandy, & fower holland Cheeses ;
& left the skipper, & three men more there.
The Exam" of Mathew Benham taken as aforesd uppon suspition
of Piracy
Mathew Benham Gunner of the sd ship, sayth, that hee did belong
to Capt Groues (& tht his Sir name was Groues) And tht they Clapt
her aboard being seauen in number & tooke her, wth ffowerteene men
& Boys in her. And tht he did not know what place hee was neare
when they tooke her: But he supposed they were Eight hundd Leagues
att Sea. And tht the Master could giue an account, And tht hee
knew not what Capt Groues Ship was called.
Att a Councell held att St Maries po Junij 1659
June po
Josias ffendall Esqr Gour | Capt William Stonel Coll John Price.
Philip Caluert Esqr Secr | Mr Job Chandler
The Gour informed the Councell tht there was a ship come into St
Georges Riuer, wch pretended shee came from Yarmouth in England
& tht shee had come immediately from ffrance. That demanding