by the Seauerne men, wch was for a Tweluemonth & a day, The wch
Estate was not remoued after the seruing. But their Officer came
to this Defendts howse, wth one Capt Goulding, profering the sd
Goulding & this Defendt, tht if they would bayle the Attatchmt, tht
then what was attatched should not be remoued (the Limitaon of the
foresd Attatchmt considered) The sd Goulding & this Defendt did
giue Bond for securing the Estate, But tht to the best of this defendts
P. C. R.
remembrance the Estate attatched was not remoued untill a yeare &
six months after the date of the attatchmt wch was for a yeare & a
day. And tht when the Estate was conueyed away by Cott Sidney
out of the Prouince, it was not done wth any his consent
Job Chandler.
To the honble the Gour & Chancellor & Councell &c :
The answere of Symon Ouerzee to a Bill of Complaynt prefowed
by Capt Thomas Cornewaleys in Chancery,
1. Whereas Capt Tho: Cornewaleys hath complayned agst Symon
Ouerzee That hee was ayding & assisting to the exportadn of the
Estate of Coll Yardley attatchd' att the suite of the sd Capt Corne-
waleys for a Debt wch the sd Ouerzee knew to be due to the sd Corne-
waleys, wch he utterly denyeth.
2. That the sd Ouerzee did some time past hyre a Sloope to Mrs
Yardley by Charter party, & shee was to Victuall & man the sd
Sloope & pretended itt was to fetch her Crop from Portoback for 900l
Tob. And the sd Ouerzee deliuered the sd Sloope att Lynne-hauen
where shee putt in for Master to obserue her Order Coll John Sidney
wth Two other Seamen (Viz) Thomas Kedger & Thomas Haruey, if
any more he remembers them not.
3. They went to Portoback. What Lading they tooke in hee did
not know. But being dryuen hither by distresse of weather, putt
in here att St Maries att the sd Ouerzees howse. Where they tarryed
about fiue or six dayes, the sd Ouerzee all tht time being absent, &
Capt Cornewaleys att his owne howse att the Crosse, And whither
Capt Cornewaleys had notice thereof he knows not, but might if he
would. The sd Ouerzee comming home found the Sloope still Riding
before his Landing, & Cott Sidney then a shoare att his howse. And
being asked what hee had in the Sloope ? the sd Coll answered hee had
Corne, Tob & Negroes. But whither he had any Prouision here, hee
cannot say: because hee did not know that hee needed any. And the
next day the wind being fayre the Coll returned to Virginia: and att
Lynne-hauen the sd Ouerzee receaued his Sloope by his Attorney
according to Charter, & satisfaction to his content.
4. Lastly to the Capts Complaynt tht the sd Ouerzee hath receiued
any Gwift of the sd Mrs Yardley to inrich him to the preiudice of the
sd Capt The sd Ouerzee doth posituely deny, as utterly false & untrue.
Symon Ouerzee
p. 192