P. C. R.
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Robert Morris of Ratcliffe Mariner is ready to make oath tht in
June 1653 or thereabouts Samuel Tilghman master of the ship
Goulden ffortune then att St Maries in Maryland, did receaue into
the sd ship one hogshead of Tob, to bee deliuered in London shipped
by Robert Kedger Lyuing in that place; wth a Charge to One John
Browne then being a Passenger in the sd ship, by the sd Robt Kedger
to deliuer it to a ffreind of the sd Kedgers in Sowthwarke. Deliuer-
ing to the sd Browne his letter & Bill of Lading, wth order to the sd
Browne to deliuer it wth the letter & Bill as abouesd, But in case hee
could not find his friend, to dispose of it & giue him an Accompt.
Allso the sd Robt Morris will depose That the sd Browne told him
That he could not find the sd Kedgers ffreind, & therfore according
to Order from the sd Kedger hee made sale of the hogshead in his
sight, But what money Browne receiued therefore he is uncertaine.
Allso the sd Robt Morris Two yeares after was questioned by a
Seruant of the sd Kedgers about this busines, where in Virginia
he made Oath to giue the sd Kedger satisfaction to what is aboue-
sayd sett downe. And the sd Robt Morris doth likewise say & is
ready to make oath That the hogshead was much Damnifyed when
Browne sould it.
To all wch peticulars I am ready to make Oath
Rob. Morris
June 15th 1657 To Mr Jeremiah Callaway
Sr pray pay unto Capt Samuel Tilghman or his order, att sight
of this my first Bill of Exchange my second & third not comming
to hands, the summe of ffowre pownds sterl. Pray make good
payment, & place itt to the accot of yor uery louing ffreind.
Robt Kedger.
Bee it knowne unto all men by these pents That one the thirteenth
day of the month of Noumbr in the yeare of Our Lord 1657 att the
instance & request of Mr Samuel Tilghman of Ratcliffe Mariner I
John Daniel Notary & Tabellion publick dwelling in London, ad-
mitted & sworne went to the now dwelling howse of Mr Jeremiah
Calloway scituate in Southwark neere London, & there speaking to
his seruant I asked him if that the sd Mr Jeremiah Callaway his
Master were att home, or had left any Order wth him for the paymt
of a Certaine Originall Bill of Exchange unto him shewen & whereof
the Coppey here before is written word for word. Whereuppon the
sd Serut answered that his Master was not wth in, neyther had hee
left any Order wth him for the paymt of the sd Bill of Exchange, Wch
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answere I the sd notarie hauing heard, att the instance & request as
aforesd protested, euen as I doe protest by these pents for want of
pent paymt of the sd Bill of Exchange, & of Exchange & Rechange &