P. C. R.
hee gott to the doore, wth an intent to be running; but I tooke a Dog-
whip & gaue him one lash wth it, after wch hee came in & sate downe,
& did not make more prefers to be gone. But fearing hee might
make an escape I sent for a Roape, & tyed one end to the barre of a
window & the other end close up under his armes wth the knott behind,
soe sure & fast, tht I did not thinke wth both my hands I could
sodenly undoe it, & left one of my mayd seruants to looke after him
hauing sent for my Brothers Ouerseer to fetch him home, for I was
uery unwilling hee should gett away againe, fearing least hee might
take some ntt opportunity to doe mee, or mine, a mischeife, for I
lookd uppon [him] as a dangerous Rogue, But my mayd not well
looking after him, hee wth the hand hee could use (or the Diuell for
him) undid the knott, & hee gott away, wch did seeme uery strange to
mee, hauing but one hand to doe it; for the other hee could not stirre
one finger of it. Some time after, a Pangayo Indian came to my
Brother Ouersee's Ouerseer & told him tht the Negro was there, &
uppon his informaon hee went & fetcht him, & brought him to my
howse, asking my aduice what he should doe wth him. I tould him it
would bee best to carry him downe to St Maries, tht his finger might
bee cutt of, or else hee might loose his arme, or his life, & lent him my
wherry to carry him downe aduising the Ouerseer, if hee putt to
any shoare, to bind him least hee made an escape.
P. 163
After some time spent, The Jury returned their Verdict Endorsed
on the writt, Ignoramus.
The Euidences being fownd not pregnant agst the Prisoner Procla-
maon was made by the Sheriffe That the Prisoner att the Barre stood
uppon his Justificaon, & that any one tht could giue further Euidence,
should come & giue euidence for the Lord Proprietary. And noe one
appearing, The Prisoner acquitted by Proclamaon.
walleys v.
and Overzee
Vppon the Complaynt of the prf in Chancery order the last Court
Mr Job Chandler alleageth that hee himself e hath not as yett had a
[sight] of the plfs Bill, although his Brother Ouerzee hath allready
putt in his answere thereto.
It is therefore Ordered tht the sd Mr Chandler have a Copie of the
sd Bill deliuered him, & tht hee putt in his answere therto in writing,
before the end of this Court.
Grail v.
Vid. fol. 244
Vnto the demand of the plf on the behalfe of the Ld Proprietary
for a man Seruant belonging to the Estate of John Dandy, called
The Deft sayth tht hee had that Seruant deliuered him, & there-
nppon sold him, hee being the Assignee of John Milam, who had an
Order of Court agst John Dandy, whose seruant the sd Darby was.
And it appearing to the Court tht that Order uppon wch the deft
pretends tytle to the sd seruant was but for seauen hundd & fifty