202 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
Deed of gift
of heifer
This day Came Hugh Beuin of St Hieroms in the County of St
Maries, & acknowledgeth himself e to haue gyuen, & doth hereby
giue & deliuer to Nicholas Gwyth Gent" for the use of Owen Gwyther
his sonne One Black pyed Heifer, marked The Right eare underkeeld.
The Left eare Cropd' wth Two slitts in the Crop, wth all the whole
encrease both male & ffemale to him the sd Owen Gwyther & his
heyres, And is to aduance him a portion
Recogniz Coram me Willm Bretton. Hugh Beuin
Whereas Capt Nicholas Gwyther about 5 or 6 yeares agoe passed
his Bill or Specialty to Christopher Russell for Two hundd pownds of
Tob & Cask, Wch Bill was by the sd Russell assigned ouer to Willm
Eale, & by him the sd Eale assigned againe to Hugh Beuin Wch
Bill is accidentally lost. And lest perhaps it should againe appeare &
be found, I the sd Hugh Beuin doe hereby bind my selfe to acquitt, &
doe hereby acquitt & discharge the f oresd Capt Nicholas Gwyther of &
from the sd Bill & Debt as afoiesd of 200ll Tob. & Cask.
Hugh Beuin
Fereira v.
Dauid ffereira demands Wart agst Humphrey warren, in an accon
of Debt of 36th 6d money sterl.
Wart to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to arrest &c: Ret next
Prouinciall Court.
mrk Cattle
John Dauis recordeth his mark of Cattle &c: (Viz) Cropd' on both
eares, wth a hole in both eares.
23th 1658
Sheriffe of St Maries County Ret his writts (Viz)
All writts &c: Exequuted Except Summons pro John Shirtcliffe
in caa, Wm Harper X Mr Clearke.
Sheriffe of Chsarles County Ret. All executed
Sheriffe of Caluert County, Ret. All executed (Except) writt
pro Aaron Jacobson X John Little writt pro John Little X Aaron
Jacobson writt pro Jonathan Preston X Cornelius Kennede.
Sheriffe of Kent County Ret. all executed
Sheriffe of Annarundell County Ret. Executed.
p. 1599
vide 3 Md
Arch. 39!
Att a Prouinciall Court held att St Maries on Wednesday this
23th ffebruary 1658.