It. To this Deponts Sonne Ignatius Cawsine, he gaue his best
suite of cloathes
It. Hee did bequeath to his Cozen Robert Cole fiue hundd pownds
of Tob, and told this Depont hee did it, that hee should not molest his
It. That all his Cattle should bee brought to this Deponts howse,
& there remaine for three yeares, & att the end thereof the encrease
should be sould, to help pay the Legacies, And the Principall stock
he gaue to this Depont.
And if in case his sonne in Law Mr James Neale, or any from him,
did not come, wth in the tearme of Three yeares into Maryland, That
that Land belonging to him should bee disposed of by his Exequutors,
And after they had performed his Legacies, the Remainder he gaue
to his Exequutors, And wth all desyred tht some what out of Charity
might be gyuen by his Exequutors to such poore men as Mr Greene,
what they should think good, & further sayth not.
Sworne before me, the day and yeare aboue written Job Chandler.
The Deposn of Mary Adams aged 21 yeares or thereabout sworne
& examined this 16th of August 1658.
Sayth That Beniamin Gill deceased, when hee made his Will, did
giue One Thowsand pownds of Tob to the Church wch was in Mr
Gerards, & Mr Slyes hands, as hee supposed or more: But if it were
not, he desyred his Exequutors should see it made good, Item hee
gaue to this Deponts ffather in Law Nicholas Cawsine fiue hundd
pownds of Tob, & to this Deponts mother hee gaue fiue hundd pownds
of Tob, And to this Deponts sister Jane Cockshott, & to her Brothers
Ignatius & Nicholas Cawsines to each of them he gaue fiue hundd
pownds of Tob, And tht if his sonne in Law Mr James Neale, or any
of his Children did not come into Maryland wth in three yeares, That
then his Land & encrease of his cattle, should be sould by his Ex-
equuto" & further sayth not
Sworne before me, the day & yeare aboue written Job. Chandler
P. C. R.
Thomas Carpenter Sworne in open Court Sayth, That hee was wth
Mr Gill many times before hee dyed during his sicknes & putt him in
mind of making his Will, And Mr Gill tould him, that hee had sent
for Mr Gerard, & when Mr Gerard came hee would make his Will,
And tht hee would make Mr Gerard & Mr Adams Exequutors, And
this Depont goeing from him the day before hee dyed, hee desyred
him to speake to Mr Slye for some comfortable things, for that hee
thought the worst to be past wth him, And then he had made noe will,
as this Depont knowes of, And further many times discoursing wth
the sd Mr Gill hee heard him say, That hee would giue Robert Cole
fiue hundd pownds of Tob. & further sayth not
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