Mr Turbutt and Mr Fisher Deliver his honour the Gov-
ernour An Engrost Bill for the Confirmation of the Land
therein mencon'd to Richard Bennett Esqr
To which is thus written Viz.
October 24. 1720
Read and assented to by the the Lower House of Assembly
Signed p Ordr M: Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.
Mr Lee with Six Others of the Lower House Deliver Col.
Holland A Supplementary bill to the Act for Ascertaining the
bounds of Land within this Province Which is thus Endorst
By the lower house of Assembly
October the 24th 1720
Read with the Amendmts And will pass
Signed p Order M: Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.
These Two following Engrost Bills Viz.
An Engrost bill for the Confirmacon of the Land therein
menconed to Richd Bennett Esqr
And An Engrost Supplementary bill to the Act to Limitt
the Continuance of Accons in severall Courts wthin this Prov-
ince and Ascertaining the manner of taking the Evidence of
Seafaring men And for Granting Appeals from the Chancery