124 Assembly Proceedings, July 18-August 5, 1721.
U. H. J.
tion, I meet this Generall Assembly, that last Sessions so
Kindly gave me a Supply for the Support of Government, I
p. 8
shall always have a due Regard for your favours, and think
I can't better acknowledge them, than by Supporting those
Who wish well to our most Gracious Sovereign King George
the Protestant Religion, and the Prosperity of Maryland, in
which I shall [not] only pursue my own Inclinations, but
Obey the Positive Comands of our Lord Proprietary whom I
Expect very soon in Person among us.
What I have now to Recomend to you are the Several laws,
that are near Expiring, Among which is that of the Revenue,
the Generall Advantage by that Law is so obvious, that I need
but barely mention it.
I have Severall Papers, from the Govrs of New York, and
Virginia, and our Agent Coll Blakiston wch I shall ordr to be
layd before you
The Sinking Condition of the Tobacco trade, wherein
you're so much Concerned requires your utmost Endeavours
to Support it, And I cannot omit with Earnestness to recom-
mend to you on this Occasion, the great Example of the Brit-
p. 9
ish Parliament. Which Waving things of less moment, never
fails to apply it Self with utmost Attention to the Relief of its
most Pressing Exigencies
Gentlemen. I can't Conclude, without Observing to you
with Great Pleasure, that, those little heats wch lately disturb
you are now happyly at an End which gives me hopes, of your
being United for the common Welfare and as I propose the
Greatest Happyness to myself Dureing my administracon in
the Generall Good of this Province, And shall always use my
best Endeavours to Effect it, So I shall take those to be my
Lord Proprietors' best friends, who will heartily Joyn their
Endeavours with mine, to make us a United happy People
Chas Calvert
Thereupon Mr Speaker and the whole house with Draw
Mr Thomas Waughop and Mr William Turbutt acquaint
his Honour the Govr that they Attend with Mr John Baker a
Member Elected for St Maryes County and Mr James Earle
a Member Elected for Queen Anns County to see them
Whereupon the said John Baker & James Earle Severally
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take the Sevll Oaths appointed to be taken by Act of Assembly
and Alsoe Signed the Oath of Abjuration and Test according
to the Directions of the sd Act and thereupon they with Draw