Wife was Read and Ordered to be thus Endorst viz :
Oct the 26th 1720.
Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly
Signed p Order Ml: Jenifer Cl: Lo: Ho :
And was Sent to the Upper House by Mr Turbutt and Mr
Fisher. They return and Say they have Delivered it.
The House Adjourns till to Morrow Morn Nine of the
Thursday morning October the 27th 1720.
The House meets according to Adjournment Yesterdays
Proceedings are Read. An Engrost Supplementary Bill to the
Act for Ascertaining the bounds of Land being Read The
Question was put whether the Same Bill shall be Assented to
as it now is, or be Amended. Carried by the Majority of
Votes, That it shall be Assented to as it now is.
And Ordered that it be thus Endorst viz :
Octr the 27th 1720.
Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly and
Signed p Order Ml Jenifer Cl: Lo: ho :