it safe from Violation of every kind; being fully convinced,
that in so doing, I shall most effectually provide for the true
Interest and Happiness of my People.
Whitehall 13th May 1769.
I send you herewith by the Earl of Hillsborough's direc-
tions Copies of several Acts passed in the last Session of
Parliament which relate to America.
I am Sir,
Your most Obedt humble Servant
Deputy Governor of Maryland. John Pownal.
In Consequence of the aforegoing Letters, it is the Humble
Advice and Opinion of this Board that the Printer should be
directed to Print a Sufficient Number of Copies of the above-
mentioned Acts, in Order that they may be transmitted to
the several Counties, and there Published by Proclamation,
which Proclamations were issued accordingly together with
Copies of the said Acts thereunto annexed Viz.
Maryland ss :
By His Excellency Robert Eden Esqr Governor and Com-
mander in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland.
A Proclamation.
Whereas John Pownall Esqr Secretary to the Right Hon-
ourable the Earl of Hillsborough One of His Majesty's Prin-
cipal Secretaries of State, has transmitted to me the following
Acts of Parliament, Viz. An Act to allow for a further time
the free Importation of Rice into this Kingdom from His
Majesty's Colonies in North America An Act to continue an
Act made in the Eighth year of the Reign of his present Maj-
esty entituled an Act to continue and amend an Act made in
the fifth year of the Reign of his present Majesty intituled,
"An Act for Importation of Salted Beef, Pork, Bacon and
Butter from Ireland for a limited Time and for allowing the
Importation of Salted Beef, Pork, Bacon and Butter from the
British Dominions in America for a limited time," An Act to
permit the Inhabitants of Jersey and Guernsey to export
directly from thence to Newfoundland, or the British Colonies
in America Goods necessary for the Fishery under certain Re-
strictions; and to import from thence Non-enumerated Goods
(except Rum) and to Land the same in the said Islands.
An Act for further encouraging the Growth and Cul-
ture of Raw Silk in his Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in