Bills of Credit it does not appear expedient to propose a
Copper Coinage at this time.
At a Council held at the Governor's on Thursday the 2d day
of April in the Sixteenth year of his Lordship's Dominion
Anno Domini 1767.
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esqr Governor.
The honble Benjamin Tasker, John Ridout Chas Golds-
borough and Walter Dulany Esqr
His Excellency is pleased to lay before this Board the fol-
lowing Address from Sundry Inhabitants of Baltimore Town.
To his Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esqr Governor and Com-
mander in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland.
May it please your Excellency
We the Inhabitants of Baltimore Town, ever desirous of
shewing our Loyalty to the best of Kings; beg leave to Ad-
dress your Excellency on an Affair which we deem Important
and if not attended to in time may interrupt the future Wel-
fare of many of his Majestys faithful Subjects.
About Eight Months past a Number of French Neutrals
from this Place and other parts Embarked as we always un-
derstood on a Voyage to Pensacola, but have since learnt they
have Landed at New Orleans and are become Subjects of the
French King; another Body of these People near 300 in
Number are now preparing to embark from hence in Order to
go to the same Place.