Correspondence of Gov. Horatio Sharpe, 1754-1765. 569
To His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esqr
Governour and Commander in Chief in and over the
Province of Maryland.
May it please your Excellency to permit his Lordships
Justices of Queen Anns County Court to offer you their
Tribute of Gratitude Esteem and Respect, for the many
Instances of your Regard for, and Care of, the Welfare
and Happiness of the People of Maryland, in the Course of
an Administration which has been honourable to yourself,
and easy to those, over whom you have long presided
Give us Leave also Sir, to express the Concern we really
feel at the Approach of that Time, when we have Reason
to believe your Excellency is no longer to exercise the Powers
of Government; A Period which, we are persuaded, wou'd
be less disagreeable to his Majesties faithful Subjects here, in
proportion if it were much more remote
We have the Honour to be
Sir Your Excellencys most obedient
and most humble Servants
Wm Hopper
Jo. Smyth
John Brown
Geo. Garnett Junr
Wm Gould
Chrisr Cross Routh
Th. Wright
Turbutt Wright
Richd Mason
Joshua Clark
To His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esqr Governor & Com-
mander in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland.
The Humble Address of Somerset County Court.
May it please your Excellency.
We have heard with much regret that your Removal from
the Government of this Province, is intended speedily to take
place; and tho' your worthy Successor may fully answer
every reasonable Expectation, yet the general Harmony
maintained by your Excellency with the good People of this
Province, and our long Experience of your Wisdom, Mild-
ness and Abilities in Administration, must not only create
but justify our Concerns.
Whilst your Integrity in managing the Business of your
Department hath fortified your Character and Reputation