measures may be now properly used for the service of the Rt
Honble the Lord Propry and the securely of the peace and
well fare of this Province.
Signed p order. W Bladen Cl: Upr ho:
In answer to which the following answer was proposed and
ordered to be entred (Viz)
By the Upr house of Assembly
Augt 2d 1716.
May it please yr Honrs
On reading your Message of this day by the Honble Col
Holland and three others of the Upper house wee agree that
the not sending into this province instructions who should
administer the Governmt in case of his Exncys death or absence
has been a great omission & may prove of very evill Conse-
quence unless provided agt for prevention whereof wee agree
to make a provision for the same by a law and cannot think
of a better method then what has been asked when the
Governmt was in the Crown but that is Intirely Submitted to
his Exncy and your honrs
Signed p order Tho: Macnemara Cl: Lo: ho:
Sent to the Upper house by Mr Rousby Capt ffrisby Capt
Codd Mr Turbutt Capt Jowles Mr Hanson Mr Young and
Mr Tyler.
They return and say they delivered it.
The house adjournes till one a Clock in the afternoon.
Then the members being called over were present as in the
The Remonstrance of Mr James Carroll setting forth that
he was heretofore Surveyor of Annarundell County and still
is and had Comission & Speciall warrants to him directed to
execute which remain as yet in part unexecuted through the
Badness of Weather that happened the last winter and spring
and therefore prays leave to execute the said warrants without
being Subject to the laws that are now goeing to be past was
read and Rejected Nemine Contradicente.
On Consideration of the Vote of this house on Yesterday
whereby it is resolved that Col Edward Lloyd ought to refund