Lib. C. B.
His Excellency is pleased to lay before this Board the fol-
lowing Letter
Whitehall May the 29th 1750
Three Acts having been Passed in the last Session of Par-
liament wherein the British Plantations are concerned Viz.
An Act for extending & improving the Trade to Africa.
An Act for encouraging the Growth and Culture of Raw
Silk in his Majestys Colonies or Plantations in America.
An Act to encourage the Importation of Pig & Bar Iron
from his Majestys Colonies in America; and to prevent the
Erection of any Mill or other Engine for Slitting or Rolling
of Iron; or any Plateing Forge to work with a Tilt Hammer,
or any Furnace for making Steel in any of the said Colonies.
I am directed by My Lords Commissioners for Trade and
Plantations to Send you the inclosed Printed Copies of them
for your Information & Government in the Several Matters
therein Contained I am Sir
Your Most Obedient Humble Servant
Tho' Hill
P. S. As to the last mentioned Act, to Incourage the Impor-
tation of Pig and Bar Iron, I am further directed to recom-
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mend to you a Punctual Complyance therewith, and in Par-
ticular that you do immediately transmit to their Lordships
Certificates under your hand and Seal of Office, Containing
an Account of every Mill or Engine for Sliting and Rolling of
Iron, and every Plateing forge to work with a Tilt Hammer and
every furnace for making Steel at the Time of the Commence-
ment of this Act erected in Your Government Expressing also
in the said Certificate such of them as are used, And the Name
or Names of the Proprietor or Proprietors of each such Mill
Engine Forge and Furnace And the Place where each such
Mill Engine Forge & Furnace is erected And the Number of
Engines Forges and Furnaces in Your Government; And you
are to take Especial Care that if after the time Limited by the
said Act any Mill or other Engine for Sliting or Rolling of Iron
or any Plating Forge to work with a Tilt Hammer or any Fur-
nace for making Steel, shall be erected or Continued within
your Government you do Cause the same to be Abated with-
in the time and in the manner Prescribed by the said Act
Samuel Ogle Esqr Lieutenant T: Hill
Governor of Maryland
The said Letter being read and considered and His Excel-
lency having procured from Mr Rock the Proprietor of the only