I am further directed by the Governor and Council to advise
you of my having renewed that Bill by another Draught on you
for 62: 13: 10 payable to Charles Car roll Esqr which they
hope will not meet with the same fate as the former
There are Bills for 300£ out of Mr Ungles Ballance & also
a Bill for 60£ payable to the Governor drawn by me on you
by Order of the Governor & Council, and as they have not
heard anything about them, they doubt not but they are paid
I am Sr Yr Most hble Servant
John Ross
The above Letter is wrote by Order of the Govr & Council
Benj. Tasker, President
21st January 1745
Ordered by his Excellency the Governor that the following
Proclamation issue
Maryland ss.
By his Excellency Thomas Bladen Esqr Govr & Com-
mander in Chief in & over the Province of
Whereas I have received Information that the French
Indians intend to pass through the Back Parts of this Province