Maryland ss.
By His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor and Com-
mander in Chief in and over the Province of
A Proclamation
Whereas Complaint hath been made to me that the follow-
ing Persons being inlisted in his Majestys Service in Captain
John Milbourns Company of the honourable Col William
Goochs Regiment have deserted Viz: Daniel Rayne born in
Kent County about nineteen years of Age five feet seven
Inches high well set and of a swarthy Complexion had on a
Corduroy Coat and Other Cloaths: James Knott born in
Queen Anns County about 20 years of Age five feet ten
Inches high, very slender and fair Complexion had on a very
light coloured Coat striped Jacket and Leather Breeches.
William Burgess a black man about fifty Years old six feet and
an Inch high black Hair had on a brown Cloth Coat and Other
Cloaths: John Barnes born in Kent County about 18 years
old pale Complexion five feet ten Inches high, had on a light
coloured Kersey Coat and other Cloaths, which Persons are
supposed to have gone towards the Head of the Bay in a
Pinnace, which 'tis supposed they stole from Annapolis; And
that the following Persons having inlisted in his Majestys
Service in Captain Thomas Addison's Company of the same
Regiment have deserted Viz: John Gwyn aged about 36
years five feet Eight Inches high fair Complexion with light
brown Hair, had on a striped flanel Jacket and a Plad Jacket :
Anthony Irwyn about 43 years old five feet three Inches high
black Hair of a swarthy Complexion, had on a yellowish Coat
and Other Cloaths: Richard Gaither born in Ann Arundel
County about 22 years old five feet six Inches high had on a
dark coloured Kersy or Drugget Suit of Cloaths: John Ward
Lib. C. B.
born in Ann Arundel County aged about 24 years five feet
nine Inches high of a brown Complexion, thin Visage, the
Bridge of his Nose fallen, had on a dark coloured Suit: John
Woodall a Shoemaker by Trade about 32 years old five feet
seven Inches high of a swarthy Complexion & sickly Counte-
nance had on a Coarse linen Frock: Francis Atkinson about
twenty five years of Age five feet Eight Inches high very well
known about South River where he is supposed to lurk: John
Obryan a lusty well made Man about five feet nine Inches high
an Irish Man aged about 38 years speaks pretty good English
I have thought fit with the Advice of his Lordships Council of
State to issue this my Proclamation strictly forbidding any
Person whatsoever within this Province on any Pretence
whatsoever to harbour entertain or conceal any of the said
p. 109