officers of the said Countyes to be by them Disposed of and
they to be accountable to the Genll assembly of this Prouince
for the proceeds thereof or otherwise dispose of as yor Excy
and Councill shall think Convenient the Produce thereof being
for the Publick use
Signed p Ordr
Chr Gregory Clk house of Dell:
Ordrd that Doctr Iacob Loockerman & Mr Ion Carvill Carry
the said Message
Who Returne and say they have Deliverd the same Read
the bill Impowering Benjamen Williams to sell the Lands of
Ioseph Williams deceased for the payment of the said Ioseph
Williams his Debts the first time and ordrd to be read againe
to-Morrow Morning.
Read Majr Dorseys Pet and referrd till to Morrow Morning
toe full house.
The house adjournes till to Morrow six of Clock
Die Saturni Iuly 8th 1699
The house mett againe and was called over Read over what
was done yesterday
The bill ascertaining the bounds of Lands read the second
Put to the vote if the same shall pass or not & Carryed in
the affirmatiue
Ordrd that Capt Richard Hill M Wm Taylard Mr Iacob
Moreland Mr Michaell Miller Mr Iohn Leech Capt Philip
Hoskins Mr Tho: Staley Mr Samll Lane Mr Richd Tilghman
Mr Tho: Ennalls Mr Ion Carvill & Coll Ninian Beale Carry the
said Bill to his Excy the Govr & Covncill
Who returne and say they have Delverd their Message
A Bill for Transfering the Debts due from the publick
officers in Sumrset County unto Majr Wm Whittington read
the second time
A Bill Impowering Benja Williams to Sell a percell of Land
called Tibaulds lying in Cecill County left by Ioseph Williams
his Bror for the payment of his Debts read the second time.
A Bill for saving and Excepting of bills & bonds due to
the Lord Baltemore read the second time.
Ordrd that Mr Walter Campbell Mr Thomas Ennalls Mr
Walter Smith and Mr Symon Wilmore Carry the sd bills to
his Excy and Councill
Read the Comittees Report for Considering to Compose
a Law to regulate the Chanry proceedings