C. C.
p. 27
[Council to J. Wiley.]
In Council Annapolis 4th Octr 1779
We have just received a Letter from the War Office dated
the 27th of last Month, in which we are informed the Board of
War, have desired Colo Moses Rawlings to take the charge
and Government of the Prisoners sending to Fort Frederick.
We are very glad that a Gentleman so capable of managing
the Prisoners is appointed to the Care and Government of
them and we request you will concur, as we have no Doubt
you will, with Colo Rawlings to promote the End of his
Appointment by attending to his Directions from Time to Time
We are &ca
Capt James Wiley.
p. 27
[Council to G. p. Keeports.]
In Council Annapolis 4th Octr 1779
We are glad to be informed by Mr Randall and your Mem0
that you go on so well with the Shirts; we wish you to pro-
ceed so as to secure about 2000; if you can increase the
Quantity and better the Quality by giving as far as £6 a yard,
we are willing you should do so the Country Linen being so
much more serviceable than the imported, we would give it the
Preference, and if you see a fair Prospect of getting enough for
the 2000 Shirts, we wish to have nothing to do with the im-
ported Linen which Mr Smith spoke to you and wrote to us
about, but if you cannot get the Country Linen as fast as you
can have it made up, we request you to get the Favor of Mr
Smith to supply you with enough to make up the Deficiency.
If you can procure them soon, purchase as far as 1000 Hats