Tuesday 23 June 1778.
Present as on yesterday
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to William
Randall Eight Pounds for Waggon hire per Accts passed by
the Aud Genls Principal Clerk
That the said Treasurer Pay to Upton Sheredine one pound
ten shillings per Account passed by Aud Genl
That the said Treasurer Pay to James Murray ten Pounds
per Acct passed by the Aud Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Robert Reid one hundred
and sixty nine pounds three shillings and nine Pence per
Acct passed by the Aud Genl
That the said Treasurer Pay to Theophilus Marshall twelve
pounds twelve shillings per Acct passed by the Aud Genl
Mr. Sheredine from the House of Delegates deliver to the
Governor a Resolve of the House of Delegates respecting the
Justices of Talbot County and a Resolve of the General
Assembly respecting the Public Records
Commissions issued to Robert Douglass appointed second
Lieut & John Sybert Ens. to Captain Samuel Hughes's
Compy in the first Batt of Militia in Washington County
Wednesday 24 June 1778.
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer Pay to Colo
Moses Rawlings one thousand Dollars for the purpose of
Recruiting our Part of the Rifle Battalion.
That the said Treasurer Pay to George Dyer eighteen
pounds twelve shillings and two Pence per Acct passed by
the Aud Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Benjamin Morgan
eighteen Pounds ten shillings and eight Pence per Acct
passed by the Aud Genl
Commissions issued to Matthias Traverse appointed Capt.
John Traverse first Lieut, Philip Ferguson second Lieut, John