Haveing Received the News of the Death & loss of your
Governr this is to Condole it And Acquaint you that haveing
his Maj"es Comission Comanding on the Vacancies my present
Services in their Majties province of Maryland I am now in my
Way thither and desire the Gentlemen of their Majties Councill
to meete at Snt Maryes upon Munday the 25th Instant to
Attend my Comeing & communicateing to you my said
Comission in Order to their Majties further service I am
Your Affectionat ffreind
Virginia the 21t Sept 1693:
To the Honble their Majties Councill in Maryland.
After peruseall whereof they finding the said Letter not to
be Subscribed to by any person the Gentlemen of the Covncill
then present sent for Mr Sherlock whoe brought the same, of
whome they inquired if he knew any thing whye the afore-
menconed Letter was not Signed to which the said Mr
Sherlock Answered that he did belive it was an over sight but
that his Exncy would be here in person to make that defect
Yet notwithstanding the Receipt of the said Lettr & Comu-
nicacon of the same to the house of Burgesses afd the Covn-
cill and Burgesses still mutually agreed to Entertaine the said
Conferrence as by the following Clauses in the Aforemen-
coned Journalls of Assembly contained likewise appeares, Vizt
Debated whether the Conference shall goe on or noe, and
voted accordingly & Carried in the affirmative.
Ordered that a Message be Drawne up & sent to the said
End & purpose which was done as follows Vizt
By the House of Assembly September 23th 1693:
Vpon Mr Speakers makeing Report to the house of Sr
Edmond Andros Comission to succeed in the Governmt in
Case of Governr Copleys Death the house are notwithstanding
Desireous to goe on in the Conferrence this Morening